Operator API

A running operator exposes HTTP and gRPC API listeners to allow retrieving and setting some configuration values programmatically. Both listeners require a secured connection to be established. It is possible to provide TLS certificate via k8s secret using command line option --api.tls-secret-name. If secret name is not provided, operator will use self-signed certificate.

Some HTTP endpoints require the authorization to work with. All gRPC endpoints require the authorization. The authorization can be accomplished by providing JWT token in ‘Authorization’ header, e.g. Authorization: Bearer <token> The JWT token can be fetched from k8s secret (by default arangodb-operator-api-jwt). The token is generated automatically on operator startup using the signing key specified in arangodb-operator-api-jwt-key secret. If it is empty or not exists, the signing key will be auto-generated and saved into secret. You can specify other signing key using --api.jwt-key-secret-name CLI option.


The HTTP API is running at endpoint specified by operator command line options --api.http-port (8628 by default).

The HTTP API exposes endpoints used to get operator health and readiness status, operator version, and prometheus-compatible metrics.

For now only /metrics and /log/level endpoints require authorization.


The gRPC API is running at endpoint specified by operator command line options --api.grpc-port (8728 by default).

The gRPC API is exposed to allow programmatic access to some operator features and status.

gRPC protobuf definitions and go-client can be found at github.com/kube-arangodb/pkg/api/server package.

All gRPC requests require per-RPC metadata set to contain a valid Authorization header.