API Reference for ArangoMLStorage V1Beta1



Type: boolean [ref]

AllowInsecure if set to true, the Endpoint certificates won’t be checked

Default Value: false


Type: string [ref]

UID keeps the information about object Checksum


Type: string [ref]

Name of the object


Type: string [ref]

Namespace of the object. Should default to the namespace of the parent object


Type: string [ref]

UID keeps the information about object UID


Type: string [ref]

UID keeps the information about object Checksum


Type: string [ref]

Name of the object


Type: string [ref]

Namespace of the object. Should default to the namespace of the parent object


Type: string [ref]

UID keeps the information about object UID


Type: string [ref]

Endpoint specifies the S3 API-compatible endpoint which implements storage Required


Type: string [ref]

Region defines the availability zone name.

Default Value: ""


Type: string [ref]

BucketName specifies the name of the bucket Required


Type: string [ref]

BucketPath specifies the path within the bucket

Default Value: /



Type: api.Conditions [ref]

Conditions specific to the entire storage