arangodb_operator [flags]
arangodb_operator [command]
Available Commands:
admin Administration operations
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
crd CRD operations
debug-package Generate debug package for debugging
features Describe all operator features
help Help about any command
--action.PVCResize.concurrency int Define limit of concurrent PVC Resizes on the cluster (default 32)
--agency.refresh-delay duration The Agency refresh delay (0 = no delay) (default 500ms)
--agency.refresh-interval duration The Agency refresh interval (0 = do not refresh)
--agency.retries int The Agency retries (0 = no retries) (default 1)
--api.enabled Enable operator HTTP and gRPC API (default true)
--api.grpc-port int gRPC API port to listen on (default 8728)
--api.http-port int HTTP API port to listen on (default 8628)
--api.jwt-key-secret-name string Name of secret containing key used to sign JWT. If there is no such secret present, value will be saved here (default "arangodb-operator-api-jwt-key")
--api.jwt-secret-name string Name of secret which will contain JWT to authenticate API requests. (default "arangodb-operator-api-jwt")
--api.tls-secret-name string Name of secret containing tls.crt & tls.key for HTTPS API (if empty, self-signed certificate is used)
--backup-concurrent-uploads int Number of concurrent uploads per deployment (default 4)
--chaos.allowed Set to allow chaos in deployments. Only activated when allowed and enabled in deployment
--crd.install Install missing CRD if access is possible (default true)
--crd.preserve-unknown-fields stringArray Controls which CRD should have enabled preserve unknown fields in validation schema <crd-name>=<true/false>. To apply for all, use crd-name 'all'.
--crd.validation-schema stringArray Overrides default set of CRDs which should have validation schema enabled <crd-name>=<true/false>. To apply for all, use crd-name 'all'. Support for ActiveFailover mode - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0, < 3.12 (default true) Enable Agency Poll for Enterprise deployments - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.all Enable ALL Features
--deployment.feature.async-backup-creation Create backups asynchronously to avoid blocking the operator and reaching the timeout - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.backup-cleanup Cleanup imported backups if required - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.deployment-spec-defaults-restore Restore defaults from last accepted state of deployment - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.enforced-resign-leadership Enforce ResignLeadership and ensure that Leaders are moved from restarted DBServer - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.ephemeral-volumes Enables ephemeral volumes for apps and tmp directory - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.failover-leadership Support for leadership in fail-over mode - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0, < 3.12
--deployment.feature.init-containers-copy-resources Copy resources spec to built-in init containers if they are not specified - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.init-containers-upscale-resources Copy resources spec to built-in init containers if they are not specified or lower - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.local-storage.pass-reclaim-policy [LocalStorage] Pass ReclaimPolicy from StorageClass instead of using hardcoded Retain - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.local-volume-replacement-check Replace volume for local-storage if volume is unschedulable (ex. node is gone) - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.random-pod-names Enables generating random pod names - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.rebalancer-v2 Rebalancer V2 feature - Required ArangoDB >= 3.10.0
--deployment.feature.restart-policy-always Allow to restart containers with always restart policy - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.secured-containers Create server's containers with non root privileges. It enables 'ephemeral-volumes' feature implicitly - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.sensitive-information-protection Hide sensitive information from metrics and logs - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.short-pod-names Enable Short Pod Names - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.timezone-management Enable timezone management for pods - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--deployment.feature.tls-sni TLS SNI Support - Required ArangoDB EE >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.upgrade-version-check Enable initContainer with pre version check - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0 (default true)
--deployment.feature.upgrade-version-check-v2 Enable initContainer with pre version check based by Operator - Required ArangoDB >= 3.8.0
--features-config-map-name string Name of the Feature Map ConfigMap (default "arangodb-operator-feature-config-map")
-h, --help help for arangodb_operator
--http1.keep-alive If false, disables HTTP keep-alives and will only use the connection to the server for a single HTTP request (default true)
--http1.transport.dial-timeout duration Maximum amount of time a dial will wait for a connect to complete (default 30s)
--http1.transport.idle-conn-timeout duration Maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself. Zero means no limit (default 1m30s)
--http1.transport.idle-conn-timeout-short duration Maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself. Zero means no limit (default 100ms)
--http1.transport.keep-alive-timeout duration Interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection (default 1m30s)
--http1.transport.keep-alive-timeout-short duration Interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection (default 100ms)
--http1.transport.max-idle-conns int Maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across all hosts. Zero means no limit (default 100)
--http1.transport.tls-handshake-timeout duration Maximum amount of time to wait for a TLS handshake. Zero means no timeout (default 10s)
--image.discovery.status Discover Operator Image from Pod Status by default. When disabled Pod Spec is used. (default true)
--image.discovery.timeout duration Timeout for image discovery process (default 1m0s)
--internal.scaling-integration Enable Scaling Integration
--kubernetes.burst int Burst for the k8s API (default 30)
--kubernetes.max-batch-size int Size of batch during objects read (default 256)
--kubernetes.qps float32 Number of queries per second for k8s API (default 15)
--log.format string Set log format. Allowed values: 'pretty', 'JSON'. If empty, default format is used (default "pretty")
--log.level stringArray Set log levels in format <level> or <logger>=<level>. Possible loggers: action, agency, api-server, assertion, backup-operator, chaos-monkey, crd, deployment, deployment-ci, deployment-reconcile, deployment-replication, deployment-resilience, deployment-resources, deployment-storage, deployment-storage-pc, deployment-storage-service, generic-parent-operator, helm, http, inspector, integration-config-v1, integration-envoy-auth-v3, integration-scheduler-v2, integration-storage-v1-s3, integration-storage-v2, integrations, k8s-client, kubernetes-informer, monitor, networking-route-operator, operator, operator-arangojob-handler, operator-v2, operator-v2-event, operator-v2-worker, panics, platform-chart-operator, platform-pod-shutdown, platform-storage-operator, pod_compare, root, root-event-recorder, scheduler-batchjob-operator, scheduler-cronjob-operator, scheduler-deployment-operator, scheduler-pod-operator, scheduler-profile-operator, server, server-authentication, webhook (default [info])
--log.sampling If true, operator will try to minimize duplication of logging events (default true)
--memory-limit uint Define memory limit for hard shutdown and the dump of goroutines. Used for testing
--metrics.excluded-prefixes stringArray List of the excluded metrics prefixes
--mode.single Enable single mode in Operator. WARNING: There should be only one replica of Operator, otherwise Operator can take unexpected actions Enable to run the Analytics operator
--operator.apps Enable to run the ArangoApps operator
--operator.backup Enable to run the ArangoBackup operator
--operator.deployment Enable to run the ArangoDeployment operator
--operator.deployment-replication Enable to run the ArangoDeploymentReplication operator Enable to run the ArangoML operator
--operator.networking Enable to run the Networking operator
--operator.platform Enable to run the Platform operator
--operator.reconciliation.retry.count int Count of retries during Object Update operations in the Reconciliation loop (default 25)
--operator.reconciliation.retry.delay duration Delay between Object Update operations in the Reconciliation loop (default 1s)
--operator.scheduler Enable to run the Scheduler operator Enable to run the ArangoLocalStorage operator
--operator.version Enable only version endpoint in Operator
--reconciliation.delay duration Delay between reconciliation loops (<= 0 -> Disabled)
--scope string Define scope on which Operator works. Legacy - pre 1.1.0 scope with limited cluster access (default "legacy")
--server.admin-secret-name string Name of secret containing username + password for login to the dashboard (default "arangodb-operator-dashboard")
--server.allow-anonymous-access Allow anonymous access to the dashboard string Host to listen on (default "")
--server.port int Port to listen on (default 8528)
--server.tls-secret-name string Name of secret containing tls.crt & tls.key for HTTPS server (if empty, self-signed certificate is used)
--shutdown.delay duration The delay before running shutdown handlers (default 2s)
--shutdown.timeout duration Timeout for shutdown handlers (default 30s) duration The Agency read timeout (default 10s)
--timeout.arangod duration The request timeout to the ArangoDB (default 5s)
--timeout.arangod-check duration The version check request timeout to the ArangoDB (default 2s)
--timeout.backup-arangod duration The request timeout to the ArangoDB during backup calls (default 30s)
--timeout.backup-upload duration The request timeout to the ArangoDB during uploading files (default 5m0s)
--timeout.force-delete-pod-grace-period duration Default period when ArangoDB Pod should be forcefully removed after all containers were stopped - set to 0 to disable forceful removals (default 15m0s)
--timeout.k8s duration The request timeout to the kubernetes (default 2s)
--timeout.pod-scheduling-grace-period duration Default period when ArangoDB Pod should be deleted in case of scheduling info change - set to 0 to disable (default 15s)
--timeout.reconciliation duration The reconciliation timeout to the ArangoDB CR (default 1m0s)
--timeout.shard-rebuild duration Timeout after which particular out-synced shard is considered as failed and rebuild is triggered (default 1h0m0s)
--timeout.shard-rebuild-retry duration Timeout after which rebuild shards retry flow is triggered (default 4h0m0s)
Use "arangodb_operator [command] --help" for more information about a command.