ArangoDB Operator Ops Command

  arangodb_operator_ops [flags]
  arangodb_operator_ops [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  crd         CRD operations
  help        Help about any command

  -h, --help   help for arangodb_operator_ops

Use "arangodb_operator_ops [command] --help" for more information about a command.

ArangoDB Operator Ops CRD Subcommand

CRD operations

  arangodb_operator_ops crd [flags]
  arangodb_operator_ops crd [command]

Available Commands:
  generate    Generates YAML of all required CRDs
  install     Install and update all required CRDs

      --crd.force-update                          Enforce CRD Schema update
      --crd.preserve-unknown-fields stringArray   Controls which CRD should have enabled preserve unknown fields in validation schema <crd-name>=<true/false>.
      --crd.validation-schema stringArray         Controls which CRD should have validation schema <crd-name>=<true/false>.
  -h, --help                                      help for crd

Use "arangodb_operator_ops crd [command] --help" for more information about a command.

ArangoDB Operator Ops CRD Install Subcommand

Install and update all required CRDs

  arangodb_operator_ops crd install [flags]

  -h, --help   help for install

Global Flags:
      --crd.force-update                          Enforce CRD Schema update
      --crd.preserve-unknown-fields stringArray   Controls which CRD should have enabled preserve unknown fields in validation schema <crd-name>=<true/false>.
      --crd.validation-schema stringArray         Controls which CRD should have validation schema <crd-name>=<true/false>.

ArangoDB Operator Ops CRD Generate Subcommand

Generates YAML of all required CRDs

  arangodb_operator_ops crd generate [flags]

  -h, --help   help for generate

Global Flags:
      --crd.force-update                          Enforce CRD Schema update
      --crd.preserve-unknown-fields stringArray   Controls which CRD should have enabled preserve unknown fields in validation schema <crd-name>=<true/false>.
      --crd.validation-schema stringArray         Controls which CRD should have validation schema <crd-name>=<true/false>.