ArangoDB Operator Integration Command

  arangodb_operator_integration [flags]
  arangodb_operator_integration [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command

      --health.address string                                      Address to expose health service (Env: HEALTH_ADDRESS) (default "")
      --health.auth.token string                                   Token for health service (when auth service is token) (Env: HEALTH_AUTH_TOKEN)
      --health.auth.type string                                    Auth type for health service (Env: HEALTH_AUTH_TYPE) (default "None")
      --health.shutdown.enabled                                    Determines if shutdown service should be enabled and exposed (Env: HEALTH_SHUTDOWN_ENABLED) (default true)
      --health.tls.keyfile string                                  Path to the keyfile (Env: HEALTH_TLS_KEYFILE)
  -h, --help                                                       help for arangodb_operator_integration
      --integration.authentication.v1                              Enable AuthenticationV1 Integration Service (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1)
      --integration.authentication.v1.enabled                      Defines if Authentication is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_ENABLED) (default true)
      --integration.authentication.v1.external                     Defones if External access to service authentication.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_EXTERNAL)
      --integration.authentication.v1.internal                     Defones if Internal access to service authentication.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_INTERNAL) (default true)
      --integration.authentication.v1.path string                  Path to the JWT Folder (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_PATH)
      --integration.authentication.v1.token.allowed strings        Allowed users for the Token (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_TOKEN_ALLOWED)
      --integration.authentication.v1.token.max-size uint16        Max Token max size in bytes (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_TOKEN_MAX_SIZE) (default 64)
      --integration.authentication.v1.token.ttl.default duration   Default Token TTL (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_TOKEN_TTL_DEFAULT) (default 1h0m0s)
      --integration.authentication.v1.token.ttl.max duration       Max Token TTL (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_TOKEN_TTL_MAX) (default 1h0m0s)
      --integration.authentication.v1.token.ttl.min duration       Min Token TTL (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_TOKEN_TTL_MIN) (default 1m0s)
      --integration.authentication.v1.token.user string            Default user of the Token (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_TOKEN_USER) (default "root")
      --integration.authentication.v1.ttl duration                 TTL of the JWT cache (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHENTICATION_V1_TTL) (default 15s)
      --integration.authorization.v0                               Enable AuthorizationV0 Integration Service (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHORIZATION_V0)
      --integration.authorization.v0.external                      Defones if External access to service authorization.v0 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHORIZATION_V0_EXTERNAL)
      --integration.authorization.v0.internal                      Defones if Internal access to service authorization.v0 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_AUTHORIZATION_V0_INTERNAL) (default true)
      --integration.config.v1                                      Enable ConfigV1 Integration Service (Env: INTEGRATION_CONFIG_V1)
      --integration.config.v1.external                             Defones if External access to service config.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_CONFIG_V1_EXTERNAL)
      --integration.config.v1.internal                             Defones if Internal access to service config.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_CONFIG_V1_INTERNAL) (default true)
      --integration.config.v1.module strings                       Module in the reference <name>=<abs path> (Env: INTEGRATION_CONFIG_V1_MODULE)
      --integration.envoy.auth.v3                                  Enable EnvoyAuthV3 Integration Service (Env: INTEGRATION_ENVOY_AUTH_V3)
      --integration.envoy.auth.v3.external                         Defones if External access to service envoy.auth.v3 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_ENVOY_AUTH_V3_EXTERNAL)
      --integration.envoy.auth.v3.internal                         Defones if Internal access to service envoy.auth.v3 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_ENVOY_AUTH_V3_INTERNAL) (default true)
      --integration.scheduler.v1                                   SchedulerV1 Integration (Env: INTEGRATION_SCHEDULER_V1)
      --integration.scheduler.v1.external                          Defones if External access to service scheduler.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_SCHEDULER_V1_EXTERNAL)
      --integration.scheduler.v1.internal                          Defones if Internal access to service scheduler.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_SCHEDULER_V1_INTERNAL) (default true)
      --integration.scheduler.v1.namespace string                  Kubernetes Namespace (Env: INTEGRATION_SCHEDULER_V1_NAMESPACE) (default "default")
      --integration.scheduler.v1.verify-access                     Verify the CRD Access (Env: INTEGRATION_SCHEDULER_V1_VERIFY_ACCESS) (default true)
      --integration.shutdown.v1                                    ShutdownV1 Handler (Env: INTEGRATION_SHUTDOWN_V1)
      --integration.shutdown.v1.external                           Defones if External access to service shutdown.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_SHUTDOWN_V1_EXTERNAL)
      --integration.shutdown.v1.internal                           Defones if Internal access to service shutdown.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_SHUTDOWN_V1_INTERNAL) (default true)                                     StorageBucket Integration (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1)                            Defones if External access to service storage.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_EXTERNAL)                            Defones if Internal access to service storage.v1 is enabled (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_INTERNAL) (default true) string                Path to file containing S3 AccessKey (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_ACCESS_KEY)                   If set to true, the Endpoint certificates won't be checked (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_ALLOW_INSECURE) string                    Bucket name (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_BUCKET) string                    Path to file containing CA certificate to validate endpoint connection (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_CA_CRT) string                    Path to file containing keyfile to validate endpoint connection (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_CA_KEY)                      If set to true, the SSL won't be used when connecting to Endpoint (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_DISABLE_SSL) string                  Endpoint of S3 API implementation (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_ENDPOINT) string                    Region (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_REGION) string                Path to file containing S3 SecretKey (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_S3_SECRET_KEY) string                         Type of the Storage Integration (Env: INTEGRATION_STORAGE_V1_TYPE) (default "s3")
      --services.address string                                    Address to expose internal services (Env: SERVICES_ADDRESS) (default "")
      --services.auth.token string                                 Token for internal service (when auth service is token) (Env: SERVICES_AUTH_TOKEN)
      --services.auth.type string                                  Auth type for internal service (Env: SERVICES_AUTH_TYPE) (default "None")
      --services.enabled                                           Defines if internal access is enabled (Env: SERVICES_ENABLED) (default true)
      --services.external.address string                           Address to expose external services (Env: SERVICES_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS) (default "")
      --services.external.auth.token string                        Token for external service (when auth service is token) (Env: SERVICES_EXTERNAL_AUTH_TOKEN)
      --services.external.auth.type string                         Auth type for external service (Env: SERVICES_EXTERNAL_AUTH_TYPE) (default "None")
      --services.external.enabled                                  Defines if external access is enabled (Env: SERVICES_EXTERNAL_ENABLED)
      --services.external.tls.keyfile string                       Path to the keyfile (Env: SERVICES_EXTERNAL_TLS_KEYFILE)
      --services.tls.keyfile string                                Path to the keyfile (Env: SERVICES_TLS_KEYFILE)

Use "arangodb_operator_integration [command] --help" for more information about a command.

ArangoDB Operator Integration Client Subcommand

  arangodb_operator_integration client [command]

Available Commands:

      --address string   GRPC Service Address (default "")
  -h, --help             help for client string    Path to the custom CA
      --tls.enabled      Defines if GRPC is protected with TLS
      --tls.fallback     Enables TLS Fallback
      --tls.insecure     Enables Insecure TLS Connection
      --token string     GRPC Token

Use "arangodb_operator_integration client [command] --help" for more information about a command.