Type alias CreateMinHashAnalyzerOptions

CreateMinHashAnalyzerOptions: { features?: AnalyzerFeature[]; properties: { analyzer: Omit<CreateAnalyzerOptions, "features">; numHashes: number }; type: "minhash" }

Options for creating a MinHash Analyzer

Type declaration

  • Optional features?: AnalyzerFeature[]

    Features to enable for this Analyzer.

  • properties: { analyzer: Omit<CreateAnalyzerOptions, "features">; numHashes: number }

    Additional properties for the Analyzer.

    • analyzer: Omit<CreateAnalyzerOptions, "features">

      An Analyzer definition-like object with type and properties attributes.

    • numHashes: number

      Size of the MinHash signature.

  • type: "minhash"

    Type of the Analyzer.

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