Type alias CreateGeoJsonAnalyzerOptions

CreateGeoJsonAnalyzerOptions: { features?: AnalyzerFeature[]; properties: { options?: { maxCells?: number; maxLevel?: number; minLevel?: number }; type?: "shape" | "centroid" | "point" }; type: "geojson" }

Options for creating a GeoJSON Analyzer

Type declaration

  • Optional features?: AnalyzerFeature[]

    Features to enable for this Analyzer.

  • properties: { options?: { maxCells?: number; maxLevel?: number; minLevel?: number }; type?: "shape" | "centroid" | "point" }

    Additional properties for the Analyzer.

    • Optional options?: { maxCells?: number; maxLevel?: number; minLevel?: number }

      Options for fine-tuning geo queries.

      Default: { maxCells: 20, minLevel: 4, maxLevel: 23 }

      • Optional maxCells?: number
      • Optional maxLevel?: number
      • Optional minLevel?: number
    • Optional type?: "shape" | "centroid" | "point"

      If set to "centroid", only the centroid of the input geometry will be computed and indexed.

      If set to "point" only GeoJSON objects of type Point will be indexed and all other geometry types will be ignored.

      Default: "shape"

  • type: "geojson"

    Type of the Analyzer.

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