author?: stringThe full name of the author of the service (i.e. you). This will be shown in the web interface.
configuration?: Record<string, Configuration>An object defining the configuration options this service requires.
contributors?: string[]A list of names of people that have contributed to the development of the service in some way. This will be shown in the web interface.
defaultIf specified, the / (root) route of the service will automatically redirect to the given relative path, e.g. "index.html".
dependencies?: Record<string, string | Dependency>The dependencies this service uses, i.e. which APIs its dependencies need to be compatible with.
description?: stringA human-readable description of the service. This will be shown in the web interface.
engines?: Record<string, string> & { An object indicating the semantic version ranges of ArangoDB (or compatible environments) the service will be compatible with.
files?: Record<string, string | File>An object defining file assets served by this service.
keywords?: string[]A list of keywords that help categorize this service. This is used by the Foxx Store installers to organize services.
lib?: stringThe relative path to the Foxx JavaScript files in the service, e.g. "lib". Defaults to the folder containing this manifest.
license?: stringA string identifying the license under which the service is published, ideally in the form of an SPDX license identifier. This will be shown in the web interface.
main?: stringThe relative path to the main entry point of this service (relative to lib), e.g. "index.js".
name?: stringThe name of the Foxx service. This will be shown in the web interface.
provides?: Record<string, string>The dependencies this provides, i.e. which APIs it claims to be compatible with.
scripts?: Record<string, string>An object defining named scripts provided by this service, which can either be used directly or as queued jobs by other services.
tests?: string | string[]A path/pattern or list of paths/patterns of JavaScript tests provided for this service.
thumbnail?: stringThe filename of a thumbnail that will be used alongside the service in the web interface. This should be a JPEG or PNG image that looks good at sizes 50x50 and 160x160.
version?: stringThe version number of the Foxx service. The version number must follow the semantic versioning format. This will be shown in the web interface.
Schema for ArangoDB Foxx service manifests.