Type alias ConfigOptions

ConfigOptions: CommonRequestOptions & {
    agentOptions?: any;
    arangoVersion?: number;
    auth?: BasicAuthCredentials | BearerAuthCredentials;
    databaseName?: string;
    fetchOptions?: CommonFetchOptions;
    loadBalancingStrategy?: LoadBalancingStrategy;
    onError?: ((err) => void | Promise<void>);
    poolSize?: number;
    precaptureStackTraces?: boolean;
    responseQueueTimeSamples?: number;
    url?: string | string[];

Options for configuring arangojs.

Type declaration

  • Optional agentOptions?: any

    If set, arangojs will use the undici package to make requests and the provided options will be used to create the undici agent.

    See the undici documentation for more information on the available options.

  • Optional arangoVersion?: number

    Numeric representation of the ArangoDB version the driver should expect. The format is defined as XYYZZ where X is the major version, Y is the zero-filled two-digit minor version and Z is the zero-filled two-digit bugfix version, e.g. 30102 for 3.1.2, 20811 for 2.8.11.

    Depending on this value certain methods may become unavailable or change their behavior to remain compatible with different versions of ArangoDB.

    Default: 31100

  • Optional auth?: BasicAuthCredentials | BearerAuthCredentials

    Credentials to use for authentication.

    See also databases.Database#useBasicAuth and databases.Database#useBearerAuth.

    Default: { username: "root", password: "" }

  • Optional databaseName?: string

    Name of the database to use.

    Default: "_system"

  • Optional fetchOptions?: CommonFetchOptions

    Default options to pass to the fetch function when making requests.

    See the Fetch API specification or the MDN Web Docs for more information on the available options.

  • Optional loadBalancingStrategy?: LoadBalancingStrategy

    Determines the behavior when multiple URLs are provided:

    • "NONE": No load balancing. All requests will be handled by the first URL in the list until a network error is encountered. On network error, arangojs will advance to using the next URL in the list.

    • "ONE_RANDOM": Randomly picks one URL from the list initially, then behaves like "NONE".

    • "ROUND_ROBIN": Every sequential request uses the next URL in the list.

    Default: "NONE"

  • Optional onError?: ((err) => void | Promise<void>)

    Callback that will be invoked when a request

      • (err): void | Promise<void>
      • Parameters

        • err: Error

          Error encountered when handling this request.

        Returns void | Promise<void>

  • Optional poolSize?: number

    Maximum number of parallel requests arangojs will perform. If any additional requests are attempted, they will be enqueued until one of the active requests has completed.

    Note: when using ROUND_ROBIN load balancing and passing an array of URLs in the url option, the default value of this option will be set to 3 * url.length instead of 3.

    Default: 3

  • Optional precaptureStackTraces?: boolean

    If set to true, arangojs will generate stack traces every time a request is initiated and augment the stack traces of any errors it generates.

    Warning: This will cause arangojs to generate stack traces in advance even if the request does not result in an error. Generating stack traces may negatively impact performance.

  • Optional responseQueueTimeSamples?: number

    Limits the number of values of server-reported response queue times that will be stored and accessible using databases.Database#queueTime. If set to a finite value, older values will be discarded to make room for new values when that limit is reached.

    Default: 10

  • Optional url?: string | string[]

    Base URL of the ArangoDB server or list of server URLs.

    When working with a cluster, the method databases.Database#acquireHostList can be used to automatically pick up additional coordinators/followers at any point.

    When running ArangoDB on a unix socket, e.g. /tmp/arangodb.sock, the following URL formats are supported for unix sockets:

    • unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock (no SSL)
    • http+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock (or https+unix:// for SSL)
    • http://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock (or https://unix: for SSL)

    Additionally ssl and tls are treated as synonymous with https and tcp is treated as synonymous with http, so the following URLs are considered identical:

    • tcp:// and
    • ssl:// and
    • tcp+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock and http+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock
    • ssl+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock and https+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock
    • tcp://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock and http://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock
    • ssl://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock and https://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock

    See also auth for passing authentication credentials.

    Default: ""