Interface DocumentCollection<EntryResultType, EntryInputType>

Represents an document collection in a database.Database.

See EdgeCollection for a variant of this interface more suited for edge collections.

When using TypeScript, collections can be cast to a specific document data type to increase type safety.

Param: T

Type to use for document data. Defaults to any.


interface Person {
name: string;
const db = new Database();
const documents = db.collection("persons") as DocumentCollection<Person>;
interface DocumentCollection<EntryResultType, EntryInputType> {
    database: Database;
    name: string;
    checksum(options?): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & {
        checksum: string;
        revision: string;
    compact(): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Record<string, never>>>;
    count(): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties & {
        count: number;
    create(options?): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties>>;
    document(selector, options?): Promise<Document<EntryResultType>>;
    document(selector, graceful): Promise<Document<EntryResultType>>;
    documentExists(selector, options?): Promise<boolean>;
    documentId(selector): string;
    documents(selectors, options?): Promise<Document<EntryResultType>[]>;
    drop(options?): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Record<string, never>>>;
    dropIndex(selector): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<{
        id: string;
    ensureIndex(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        cacheEnabled: boolean;
        deduplicate: boolean;
        estimates: boolean;
        fields: string[];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        storedValues?: string[];
        type: "persistent";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;
    ensureIndex(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        estimates: boolean;
        expireAfter: number;
        fields: [string];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        type: "ttl";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;
    ensureIndex(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        estimates: boolean;
        fieldValueTypes: "double";
        fields: string[];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        type: "mdi";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;
    ensureIndex(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        estimates: boolean;
        fieldValueTypes: "double";
        fields: string[];
        prefixFields: string[];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        type: "mdi-prefixed";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;
    ensureIndex(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        bestIndexedLevel: number;
        fields: [string, string] | [string];
        geoJson: boolean;
        legacyPolygons: boolean;
        maxNumCoverCells: number;
        type: "geo";
        worstIndexedLevel: number;
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;
    ensureIndex(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        analyzer: string;
        cache?: boolean;
        cleanupIntervalStep: number;
        commitIntervalMsec: number;
        consolidationIntervalMsec: number;
        consolidationPolicy: Required<TierConsolidationPolicy>;
        features: AnalyzerFeature[];
        fields: {
            analyzer?: string;
            cache?: boolean;
            features?: AnalyzerFeature[];
            includeAllFields?: boolean;
            name: string;
            nested?: InvertedIndexNestedField[];
            searchField?: boolean;
            trackListPositions?: boolean;
        includeAllFields: boolean;
        optimizeTopK: string[];
        parallelism: number;
        primaryKeyCache?: boolean;
        primarySort: {
            cache?: boolean;
            compression: Compression;
            fields: {
                direction: Direction;
                field: string;
        searchField: boolean;
        storedValues: {
            cache?: boolean;
            compression: Compression;
            fields: string[];
        trackListPositions: boolean;
        type: "inverted";
        writeBufferActive: number;
        writeBufferIdle: number;
        writeBufferSizeMax: number;
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;
    ensureIndex(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Index & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;
    exists(): Promise<boolean>;
    figures(details?): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties & {
        count: number;
        figures: Record<string, any>;
    get(): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata>>;
    getResponsibleShard(document): Promise<string>;
    import(data, options?): Promise<CollectionImportResult>;
    import(data, options?): Promise<CollectionImportResult>;
    import(data, options?): Promise<CollectionImportResult>;
    index(selector): Promise<Index>;
    indexes<IndexType>(options?): Promise<IndexType[]>;
    loadIndexes(): Promise<boolean>;
    properties(): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties>>;
    properties(properties): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties>>;
    recalculateCount(): Promise<boolean>;
    remove(selector, options?): Promise<DocumentMetadata & {
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;
    removeAll(selectors, options?): Promise<(DocumentOperationFailure | DocumentMetadata & {
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;
    rename(newName): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata>>;
    replace(selector, newData, options?): Promise<DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;
    replaceAll(newData, options?): Promise<(DocumentOperationFailure | DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;
    revision(): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties & {
        revision: string;
    save(data, options?): Promise<DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;
    saveAll(data, options?): Promise<(DocumentOperationFailure | DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;
    shards(details?): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties & {
        shards: string[];
    shards(details): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties & {
        shards: Record<string, string[]>;
    truncate(options?): Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata>>;
    update(selector, newData, options?): Promise<DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;
    updateAll(newData, options?): Promise<(DocumentOperationFailure | DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;

Type Parameters

  • EntryResultType extends Record<string, any> = any
  • EntryInputType extends Record<string, any> = EntryResultType

Hierarchy (view full)


database: Database

Database this collection belongs to.

name: string

Name of the collection.


  • Retrieves the collection checksum.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & {
        checksum: string;
        revision: string;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const data = await collection.checksum();
    // data contains the collection's checksum
  • Triggers compaction for a collection.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Record<string, never>>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.compact();
    // Background compaction is triggered on the collection
  • Creates a collection with the given options and the instance's name.

    See also database.Database#createCollection and database.Database#createEdgeCollection.

    Note: When called on an EdgeCollection instance in TypeScript, the type option must still be set to the correct CollectionType. Otherwise this will result in the collection being created with the default type (i.e. as a document collection).


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("potatoes");
    await collection.create();
    // the document collection "potatoes" now exists


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("friends");
    await collection.create({ type: CollectionType.EDGE_COLLECTION });
    // the edge collection "friends" now exists


    interface Friend {
    startDate: number;
    endDate?: number;
    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("friends") as EdgeCollection<Friend>;
    // even in TypeScript you still need to indicate the collection type
    // if you want to create an edge collection
    await collection.create({ type: CollectionType.EDGE_COLLECTION });
    // the edge collection "friends" now exists
  • Retrieves the document matching the given key or id.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection.


    • selector: DocumentSelector

      Document _key, _id or object with either of those properties (e.g. a document from this collection).

    • Optional options: CollectionReadOptions

      Options for retrieving the document.

    Returns Promise<Document<EntryResultType>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    try {
    const document = await collection.document("abc123");
    } catch (e: any) {
    console.error("Could not find document");


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const document = await collection.document("abc123", { graceful: true });
    if (document) {
    } else {
    console.error("Could not find document");
  • Retrieves the document matching the given key or id.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection.


    • selector: DocumentSelector

      Document _key, _id or object with either of those properties (e.g. a document from this collection).

    • graceful: boolean

      If set to true, null is returned instead of an exception being thrown if the document does not exist.

    Returns Promise<Document<EntryResultType>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    try {
    const document = await collection.document("abc123", false);
    } catch (e: any) {
    console.error("Could not find document");


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const document = await collection.document("abc123", true);
    if (document) {
    } else {
    console.error("Could not find document");
  • Checks whether a document matching the given key or id exists in this collection.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection.


    Returns Promise<boolean>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const exists = await collection.documentExists("abc123");
    if (!exists) {
    console.log("Document does not exist");
  • Derives a document _id from the given selector for this collection.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection.


    • selector: DocumentSelector

      Document _key, _id or object with either of those properties (e.g. a document from this collection).

    Returns string


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const meta = await{ foo: "bar" }, { returnNew: true });
    const doc =;
    console.log(collection.documentId(meta)); // via meta._id
    console.log(collection.documentId(doc)); // via doc._id
    console.log(collection.documentId(meta._key)); // also works


    const db = new Database();
    const collection1 = db.collection("some-collection");
    const collection2 = db.collection("other-collection");
    const meta = await{ foo: "bar" });
    // Mixing collections is usually a mistake
    console.log(collection1.documentId(meta)); // ok: same collection
    console.log(collection2.documentId(meta)); // throws: wrong collection
    console.log(collection2.documentId(meta._id)); // also throws
    console.log(collection2.documentId(meta._key)); // ok but wrong collection
  • Retrieves the documents matching the given key or id values.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection, or if the document does not exist.


    • selectors: (string | ObjectWithKey)[]

      Array of document _key, _id or objects with either of those properties (e.g. a document from this collection).

    • Optional options: CollectionBatchReadOptions

      Options for retrieving the documents.

    Returns Promise<Document<EntryResultType>[]>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    try {
    const documents = await collection.documents(["abc123", "xyz456"]);
    } catch (e: any) {
    console.error("Could not find document");
  • Deletes the collection from the database.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Record<string, never>>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.drop();
    // The collection "some-collection" is now an ex-collection
  • Deletes the index with the given name or id from the database.


    • selector: IndexSelector

      Index name, id or object with either property.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<{
        id: string;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.dropIndex("some-index");
    // The index "some-index" no longer exists
  • Creates a persistent index on the collection if it does not already exist.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        cacheEnabled: boolean;
        deduplicate: boolean;
        estimates: boolean;
        fields: string[];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        storedValues?: string[];
        type: "persistent";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    // Create a unique index for looking up documents by username
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "persistent",
    fields: ["username"],
    name: "unique-usernames",
    unique: true
  • Creates a TTL index on the collection if it does not already exist.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        estimates: boolean;
        expireAfter: number;
        fields: [string];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        type: "ttl";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    // Expire documents with "createdAt" timestamp one day after creation
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "ttl",
    fields: ["createdAt"],
    expireAfter: 60 * 60 * 24 // 24 hours


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    // Expire documents with "expiresAt" timestamp according to their value
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "ttl",
    fields: ["expiresAt"],
    expireAfter: 0 // when attribute value is exceeded
  • Creates a multi-dimensional index on the collection if it does not already exist.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        estimates: boolean;
        fieldValueTypes: "double";
        fields: string[];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        type: "mdi";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-points");
    // Create a multi-dimensional index for the attributes x, y and z
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "mdi",
    fields: ["x", "y", "z"],
    fieldValueTypes: "double"
  • Creates a prefixed multi-dimensional index on the collection if it does not already exist.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        estimates: boolean;
        fieldValueTypes: "double";
        fields: string[];
        prefixFields: string[];
        selectivityEstimate: number;
        type: "mdi-prefixed";
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-points");
    // Create a multi-dimensional index for the attributes x, y and z
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "mdi-prefixed",
    fields: ["x", "y", "z"],
    prefixFields: ["x"],
    fieldValueTypes: "double"
  • Creates a geo index on the collection if it does not already exist.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        bestIndexedLevel: number;
        fields: [string, string] | [string];
        geoJson: boolean;
        legacyPolygons: boolean;
        maxNumCoverCells: number;
        type: "geo";
        worstIndexedLevel: number;
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    // Create an index for GeoJSON data
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "geo",
    fields: ["lngLat"],
    geoJson: true
  • Creates a inverted index on the collection if it does not already exist.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<GenericIndex & {
        analyzer: string;
        cache?: boolean;
        cleanupIntervalStep: number;
        commitIntervalMsec: number;
        consolidationIntervalMsec: number;
        consolidationPolicy: Required<TierConsolidationPolicy>;
        features: AnalyzerFeature[];
        fields: {
            analyzer?: string;
            cache?: boolean;
            features?: AnalyzerFeature[];
            includeAllFields?: boolean;
            name: string;
            nested?: InvertedIndexNestedField[];
            searchField?: boolean;
            trackListPositions?: boolean;
        includeAllFields: boolean;
        optimizeTopK: string[];
        parallelism: number;
        primaryKeyCache?: boolean;
        primarySort: {
            cache?: boolean;
            compression: Compression;
            fields: {
                direction: Direction;
                field: string;
        searchField: boolean;
        storedValues: {
            cache?: boolean;
            compression: Compression;
            fields: string[];
        trackListPositions: boolean;
        type: "inverted";
        writeBufferActive: number;
        writeBufferIdle: number;
        writeBufferSizeMax: number;
    } & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    // Create an inverted index
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "inverted",
    fields: ["a", { name: "b", analyzer: "text_en" }]
  • Creates an index on the collection if it does not already exist.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Index & {
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    // Create a unique index for looking up documents by username
    await collection.ensureIndex({
    type: "persistent",
    fields: ["username"],
    name: "unique-usernames",
    unique: true
  • Checks whether the collection exists.

    Returns Promise<boolean>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const result = await collection.exists();
    // result indicates whether the collection exists
  • Retrieves statistics for a collection.


    • Optional details: boolean

      whether to return extended storage engine-specific details to the figures, which may cause additional load and impact performance

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata & CollectionProperties & {
        count: number;
        figures: Record<string, any>;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const data = await collection.figures();
    // data contains the collection's figures
  • Retrieves general information about the collection.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const data = await collection.get();
    // data contains general information about the collection
  • Retrieves the shardId of the shard responsible for the given document.


    Returns Promise<string>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const responsibleShard = await collection.getResponsibleShard();
  • Bulk imports the given data into the collection.


    Returns Promise<CollectionImportResult>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.import(
    { _key: "jcd", password: "bionicman" },
    { _key: "jreyes", password: "amigo" },
    { _key: "ghermann", password: "zeitgeist" }
  • Bulk imports the given data into the collection.


    • data: any[][]

      The data to import, as an array containing a single array of attribute names followed by one or more arrays of attribute values for each document.

    • Optional options: CollectionImportOptions

      Options for importing the data.

    Returns Promise<CollectionImportResult>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.import(
    [ "_key", "password" ],
    [ "jcd", "bionicman" ],
    [ "jreyes", "amigo" ],
    [ "ghermann", "zeitgeist" ]
  • Bulk imports the given data into the collection.

    If type is omitted, data must contain one JSON array per line with the first array providing the attribute names and all other arrays providing attribute values for each document.

    If type is set to "documents", data must contain one JSON document per line.

    If type is set to "list", data must contain a JSON array of documents.

    If type is set to "auto", data can be in either of the formats supported by "documents" or "list".


    • data: string | Buffer | Blob

      The data to import as a Buffer (Node), Blob (browser) or string.

    • Optional options: CollectionImportOptions & {
          type?: "documents" | "list" | "auto";

      Options for importing the data.

    Returns Promise<CollectionImportResult>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.import(
    '{"_key":"jcd","password":"bionicman"}\r\n' +
    '{"_key":"jreyes","password":"amigo"}\r\n' +
    { type: "documents" } // or "auto"


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.import(
    '[{"_key":"jcd","password":"bionicman"},' +
    '{"_key":"jreyes","password":"amigo"},' +
    { type: "list" } // or "auto"


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.import(
    '["_key","password"]\r\n' +
    '["jcd","bionicman"]\r\n' +
    '["jreyes","amigo"]\r\n' +
  • Returns an index description by name or id if it exists.


    • selector: IndexSelector

      Index name, id or object with either property.

    Returns Promise<Index>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const index = await collection.index("some-index");
  • Returns a list of all index descriptions for the collection.

    Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<IndexType[]>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const indexes = await collection.indexes();


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const allIndexes = await collection.indexes<HiddenIndex>({
    withHidden: true
  • Instructs ArangoDB to load as many indexes of the collection into memory as permitted by the memory limit.

    Returns Promise<boolean>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("indexed-collection");
    await collection.loadIndexes();
    // the indexes are now loaded into memory
  • Instructs ArangoDB to recalculate the collection's document count to fix any inconsistencies.

    Returns Promise<boolean>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("inconsistent-collection");
    const badData = await collection.count();
    // oh no, the collection count looks wrong -- fix it!
    await collection.recalculateCount();
    const goodData = await collection.count();
    // goodData contains the collection's improved count
  • Removes an existing document from the collection.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection.


    • selector: DocumentSelector

      Document _key, _id or object with either of those properties (e.g. a document from this collection).

    • Optional options: CollectionRemoveOptions

      Options for removing the document.

    Returns Promise<DocumentMetadata & {
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.remove("abc123");
    // document with key "abc123" deleted


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const doc = await collection.document("abc123");
    await collection.remove(doc);
    // document with key "abc123" deleted
  • Removes existing documents from the collection.

    Throws an exception when passed any document or _id from a different collection.


    • selectors: (string | ObjectWithKey)[]

      Documents _key, _id or objects with either of those properties (e.g. documents from this collection).

    • Optional options: Omit<CollectionRemoveOptions, "ifMatch">

      Options for removing the documents.

    Returns Promise<(DocumentOperationFailure | DocumentMetadata & {
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.removeAll(["abc123", "def456"]);
    // document with keys "abc123" and "def456" deleted
  • Renames the collection and updates the instance's name to newName.

    Additionally removes the instance from the database.Database's internal cache.

    Note: Renaming collections may not be supported when ArangoDB is running in a cluster configuration.


    • newName: string

      The new name of the collection.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection1 = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection1.rename("other-collection");
    const collection2 = db.collection("some-collection");
    const collection3 = db.collection("other-collection");
    // Note all three collection instances are different objects but
    // collection1 and collection3 represent the same ArangoDB collection!
  • Replaces an existing document in the collection.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection.


    Returns Promise<DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await{ _key: "a", color: "blue", count: 1 });
    const result = await collection.replace(
    { color: "red" },
    { returnNew: true }
    console.log(,; // "red" undefined
  • Replaces existing documents in the collection, identified by the _key or _id of each document.


    Returns Promise<(DocumentOperationFailure | DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await{ _key: "a", color: "blue", count: 1 });
    await{ _key: "b", color: "green", count: 3 });
    const result = await collection.replaceAll(
    { _key: "a", color: "red" },
    { _key: "b", color: "yellow", count: 2 }
    { returnNew: true }
    console.log(result[0].new.color, result[0].new.count); // "red" undefined
    console.log(result[1].new.color, result[1].new.count); // "yellow" 2
  • Deletes all documents in the collection.


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata>>


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await collection.truncate();
    // millions of documents cry out in terror and are suddenly silenced,
    // the collection "some-collection" is now empty
  • Updates an existing document in the collection.

    Throws an exception when passed a document or _id from a different collection.


    Returns Promise<DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await{ _key: "a", color: "blue", count: 1 });
    const result = await collection.update(
    { count: 2 },
    { returnNew: true }
    console.log(,; // "blue" 2
  • Updates existing documents in the collection, identified by the _key or _id of each document.


    Returns Promise<(DocumentOperationFailure | DocumentMetadata & {
        _oldRev?: string;
    } & {
        new?: Document<EntryResultType>;
        old?: Document<EntryResultType>;


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    await{ _key: "a", color: "blue", count: 1 });
    await{ _key: "b", color: "green", count: 3 });
    const result = await collection.updateAll(
    { _key: "a", count: 2 },
    { _key: "b", count: 4 }
    { returnNew: true }
    console.log(result[0].new.color, result[0].new.count); // "blue" 2
    console.log(result[1].new.color, result[1].new.count); // "green" 4