Type alias InvertedIndexFieldOptions

InvertedIndexFieldOptions: {
    analyzer?: string;
    cache?: boolean;
    features?: AnalyzerFeature[];
    includeAllFields?: boolean;
    name: string;
    nested?: (string | InvertedIndexNestedFieldOptions)[];
    searchField?: boolean;
    trackListPositions?: boolean;

Options for an attribute path in an inverted index.

Type declaration

  • Optional analyzer?: string

    Name of the Analyzer to apply to the values of this field.

    Defaults to the analyzer specified on the index itself.

  • Optional cache?: boolean

    (Enterprise Edition only.) If set to true, then field normalization values will always be cached in memory.

    Defaults to the value of cache specified on the index itself.

  • Optional features?: AnalyzerFeature[]

    List of Analyzer features to enable for this field's Analyzer.

    Defaults to the features of the Analyzer.

  • Optional includeAllFields?: boolean

    If set to true, all document attributes are indexed, excluding any sub-attributes configured in the fields array. The analyzer and features properties apply to the sub-attributes. This option only applies when using the index in a SearchAlias View.

    Defaults to the value of includeAllFields specified on the index itself.

  • name: string

    An attribute path.

  • Optional nested?: (string | InvertedIndexNestedFieldOptions)[]

    (Enterprise Edition only.) Sub-objects to index to allow querying for co-occurring values.

  • Optional searchField?: boolean

    If set to true array values will be indexed using the same behavior as ArangoSearch Views. This option only applies when using the index in a SearchAlias View.

    Defaults to the value of searchField specified on the index itself.

  • Optional trackListPositions?: boolean

    If set to true, the position of values in array values are tracked and need to be specified in queries. Otherwise all values in an array are treated as equivalent. This option only applies when using the index in a SearchAlias View.

    Defaults to the value of trackListPositions specified on the index itself.

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