An object representing a single ArangoDB database. All arangojs collections, cursors, analyzers and so on are linked to a Database object.


  • Database




acquireHostList analyzer analyzers beginTransaction clearSlowQueries clearUserAccessLevel close collection collections commitLocalServiceState computeClusterRebalance createAnalyzer createCollection createDatabase createEdgeCollection createFunction createGraph createHotBackup createUser createView database databases deleteAllJobResults deleteExpiredJobResults deleteHotBackup downloadService dropDatabase dropFunction executeClusterRebalance executeTransaction exists explain get getClusterImbalance getLogEntries getLogLevel getLogMessages getService getServiceConfiguration getServiceDependencies getServiceDocumentation getServiceReadme getUser getUserAccessLevel getUserDatabases graph graphs installService job killQuery listAnalyzers listCollections listCompletedJobs listDatabases listFunctions listGraphs listHotBackups listPendingJobs listRunningQueries listServiceScripts listServices listSlowQueries listTransactions listUserDatabases listUsers listViews login parse query queryRules queryTracking rebalanceCluster removeUser renameCollection renameView renewAuthToken replaceService replaceServiceConfiguration replaceServiceDependencies replaceUser restoreHotBackup route runServiceScript runServiceTests setLogLevel setResponseQueueTimeSamples setServiceDevelopmentMode setUserAccessLevel shutdown time transaction transactions uninstallService updateServiceConfiguration updateServiceDependencies updateUser upgradeService useBasicAuth useBearerAuth userDatabases version view views waitForPropagation withTransaction


  • Creates a new Database instance with its own connection pool.

    See also database.


    const db = new Database({
    url: "",
    databaseName: "my_database",
    auth: { username: "admin", password: "hunter2" },


    • Optional config: Config

      An object with configuration options.

    Returns Database

  • Creates a new Database instance with its own connection pool.

    See also database.


    const db = new Database("", "my_database");
    db.useBasicAuth("admin", "hunter2");


    • url: string | string[]

      Base URL of the ArangoDB server or list of server URLs. Equivalent to the url option in Config.

    • Optional name: string

    Returns Database


  • get name(): string
  • Name of the ArangoDB database this instance represents.

    Returns string

  • get queueTime(): QueueTimeMetrics
  • Methods for accessing the server-reported queue times of the mostly recently received responses.

    Returns QueueTimeMetrics


  • Updates the URL list by requesting a list of all coordinators in the cluster and adding any endpoints not initially specified in the Config.

    For long-running processes communicating with an ArangoDB cluster it is recommended to run this method periodically (e.g. once per hour) to make sure new coordinators are picked up correctly and can be used for fail-over or load balancing.


    const db = new Database();
    const interval = setInterval(
    () => db.acquireHostList(),
    5 * 60 * 1000 // every 5 minutes

    // later


    • overwrite: boolean = false

      If set to true, the existing host list will be replaced instead of extended.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns an Analyzer instance representing the Analyzer with the given analyzerName.


    const db = new Database();
    const analyzer = db.analyzer("some-analyzer");
    const info = await analyzer.get();


    • analyzerName: string

    Returns Analyzer

  • Fetches all Analyzers visible in the database and returns an array of Analyzer instances for those Analyzers.

    See also listAnalyzers.


    const db = new Database();
    const analyzers = await db.analyzers();
    // analyzers is an array of Analyzer instances

    Returns Promise<Analyzer[]>

  • Begins a new streaming transaction for the given collections, then returns a Transaction instance for the transaction.

    Collections can be specified as collection names (strings) or objects implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.


    const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
    const edges = db.collection("edges");
    const trx = await db.beginTransaction({
    read: ["vertices"],
    write: [edges] // collection instances can be passed directly
    const start = await trx.step(() => vertices.document("a"));
    const end = await trx.step(() => vertices.document("b"));
    await trx.step(() =>{ _from: start._id, _to: end._id }));
    await trx.commit();


    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • Begins a new streaming transaction for the given collections, then returns a Transaction instance for the transaction.

    Collections can be specified as collection names (strings) or objects implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.


    const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
    const edges = db.collection("edges");
    const trx = await db.beginTransaction([
    edges // collection instances can be passed directly
    const start = await trx.step(() => vertices.document("a"));
    const end = await trx.step(() => vertices.document("b"));
    await trx.step(() =>{ _from: start._id, _to: end._id }));
    await trx.commit();


    • collections: (string | ArangoCollection)[]

      Collections that can be read from and written to during the transaction.

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions

      Options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • Begins a new streaming transaction for the given collections, then returns a Transaction instance for the transaction.

    The Collection can be specified as a collection name (string) or an object implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.


    const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
    const start = vertices.document("a");
    const end = vertices.document("b");
    const edges = db.collection("edges");
    const trx = await db.beginTransaction(
    edges // collection instances can be passed directly
    await trx.step(() =>{ _from: start._id, _to: end._id }));
    await trx.commit();


    • collection: string | ArangoCollection

      A collection that can be read from and written to during the transaction.

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions

      Options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • Clears the list of recent slow queries.

    See also listSlowQueries.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.clearSlowQueries();
    // Slow query list is now cleared

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Clears the given ArangoDB user's access level for the database, or the given collection in the given database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.clearUserAccessLevel("steve");
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been cleared for the current
    // database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.clearUserAccessLevel("steve", { database: "staging" });
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been cleared for the "staging"
    // database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.clearUserAccessLevel("steve", { collection: "pokemons" });
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been cleared for the
    // "pokemons" collection in the current database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.clearUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    database: "staging",
    collection: "pokemons"
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been cleared for the
    // "pokemons" collection in the "staging" database.


    const db = new Database();
    const staging = db.database("staging");
    await db.clearUserAccessLevel("steve", { database: staging });
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been cleared for the "staging"
    // database.


    const db = new Database();
    const staging = db.database("staging");
    await db.clearUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    collection: staging.collection("pokemons")
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been cleared for the
    // "pokemons" collection in database "staging".


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to clear the access level for.

    • __namedParameters: UserAccessLevelOptions

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Record<string, AccessLevel>>>

  • Closes all active connections of this database instance.

    Can be used to clean up idling connections during longer periods of inactivity.

    Note: This method currently has no effect in the browser version of arangojs.


    const db = new Database();
    const sessions = db.collection("sessions");
    // Clean up expired sessions once per hour
    setInterval(async () => {
    await db.query(aql`
    FOR session IN ${sessions}
    FILTER session.expires < DATE_NOW()
    REMOVE session IN ${sessions}
    // Making sure to close the connections because they're no longer used
    }, 1000 * 60 * 60);

    Returns void

  • Returns a Collection instance for the given collection name.

    In TypeScript the collection implements both the DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection interfaces and can be cast to either type to enforce a stricter API.


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("potatoes");


    interface Person {
    name: string;
    const db = new Database();
    const persons = db.collection<Person>("persons");


    interface Person {
    name: string;
    interface Friend {
    startDate: number;
    endDate?: number;
    const db = new Database();
    const documents = db.collection("persons") as DocumentCollection<Person>;
    const edges = db.collection("friends") as EdgeCollection<Friend>;

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, any> = any

      Type to use for document data. Defaults to any.


    • collectionName: string

      Name of the edge collection.

    Returns DocumentCollection<T> & EdgeCollection<T>

  • Fetches all collections from the database and returns an array of Collection instances.

    In TypeScript these instances implement both the DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection interfaces and can be cast to either type to enforce a stricter API.

    See also listCollections.


    const db = new Database();
    const collections = await db.collections();
    // collections is an array of DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection
    // instances not including system collections


    const db = new Database();
    const collections = await db.collections(false);
    // collections is an array of DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection
    // instances including system collections


    • excludeSystem: boolean = true

      Whether system collections should be excluded.

    Returns Promise<(DocumentCollection<any> & EdgeCollection<any>)[]>

  • Writes all locally available services to the database and updates any service bundles missing in the database.


    await db.commitLocalServiceState();
    // all services available on the coordinator have been written to the db


    await db.commitLocalServiceState(true);
    // all service conflicts have been resolved in favor of this coordinator


    • replace: boolean = false

      If set to true, outdated services will also be committed. This can be used to solve some consistency problems when service bundles are missing in the database or were deleted manually.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Computes a set of move shard operations to rebalance the cluster.


    const db = new Database();
    const result = await db.computerClusterRebalance({
    moveLeaders: true,
    moveFollowers: true
    if (result.moves.length) {
    await db.executeClusterRebalance(result.moves);


    Returns Promise<ClusterRebalanceResult>

  • Creates a new Analyzer with the given analyzerName and options, then returns an Analyzer instance for the new Analyzer.


    const db = new Database();
    const analyzer = await db.createAnalyzer("potatoes", { type: "identity" });
    // the identity Analyzer "potatoes" now exists


    • analyzerName: string

      Name of the Analyzer.

    • options: CreateAnalyzerOptions

      An object defining the properties of the Analyzer.

    Returns Promise<Analyzer>

  • Creates a new collection with the given collectionName and options, then returns a DocumentCollection instance for the new collection.


    const db = new Database();
    const documents = db.createCollection("persons");


    interface Person {
    name: string;
    const db = new Database();
    const documents = db.createCollection<Person>("persons");

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, any> = any

      Type to use for document data. Defaults to any.


    Returns Promise<DocumentCollection<T>>

  • Creates a new edge collection with the given collectionName and options, then returns an EdgeCollection instance for the new edge collection.


    const db = new Database();
    const edges = db.createCollection("friends", {
    type: CollectionType.EDGE_COLLECTION


    interface Friend {
    startDate: number;
    endDate?: number;
    const db = new Database();
    const edges = db.createCollection<Friend>("friends", {
    type: CollectionType.EDGE_COLLECTION

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, any> = any

      Type to use for edge document data. Defaults to any.


    Returns Promise<EdgeCollection<T>>

  • Creates a new database with the given databaseName with the given options and returns a Database instance for that database.


    const db = new Database();
    const info = await db.createDatabase("mydb", {
    users: [{ username: "root" }]
    // the database has been created


    • databaseName: string

      Name of the database to create.

    • Optional options: CreateDatabaseOptions

      Options for creating the database.

    Returns Promise<Database>

  • Creates a new database with the given databaseName with the given users and returns a Database instance for that database.


    const db = new Database();
    const info = await db.createDatabase("mydb", [{ username: "root" }]);
    // the database has been created


    • databaseName: string

      Name of the database to create.

    • users: CreateDatabaseUser[]

      Database users to create with the database.

    Returns Promise<Database>

  • Creates a new edge collection with the given collectionName and options, then returns an EdgeCollection instance for the new edge collection.

    This is a convenience method for calling createCollection with options.type set to EDGE_COLLECTION.


    const db = new Database();
    const edges = db.createEdgeCollection("friends");


    interface Friend {
    startDate: number;
    endDate?: number;
    const db = new Database();
    const edges = db.createEdgeCollection<Friend>("friends");

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, any> = any

      Type to use for edge document data. Defaults to any.


    • collectionName: string

      Name of the new collection.

    • Optional options: CreateCollectionOptions

      Options for creating the collection.

    Returns Promise<EdgeCollection<T>>

  • Creates an AQL user function with the given name and code if it does not already exist or replaces it if a function with the same name already existed.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.createFunction(
    "(price) => price * 0.19"
    // Use the new function in an AQL query with template handler:
    const cursor = await db.query(aql`
    FOR product IN products
    { vat: ACME::ACCOUNTING::CALCULATE_VAT(product.price) },
    // cursor is a cursor for the query result


    • name: string

      A valid AQL function name. The function name must consist of at least two alphanumeric identifiers separated with double colons.

    • code: string

      A string evaluating to a JavaScript function (not a JavaScript function object).

    • isDeterministic: boolean = false

      If set to true, the function is expected to always return the same result for equivalent inputs. This option currently has no effect but may allow for optimizations in the future.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<{
        isNewlyCreated: boolean;

  • Creates a graph with the given graphName and edgeDefinitions, then returns a Graph instance for the new graph.


    • graphName: string

      Name of the graph to be created.

    • edgeDefinitions: EdgeDefinitionOptions[]

      An array of edge definitions.

    • Optional options: CreateGraphOptions

      An object defining the properties of the graph.

    Returns Promise<Graph>

  • (Enterprise Edition only.) Creates a hot backup of the entire ArangoDB deployment including all databases, collections, etc.

    Returns an object describing the backup result.


    const info = await db.createHotBackup();
    // a hot backup has been created


    Returns Promise<HotBackupResult>

  • Creates a new ArangoDB user with the given password.


    const db = new Database();
    const user = await db.createUser("steve", "hunter2");
    // The user "steve" has been created


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to create.

    • passwd: string

      Password of the new ArangoDB user.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<ArangoUser>>

  • Creates a new ArangoDB user with the given options.


    const db = new Database();
    const user = await db.createUser("steve", { passwd: "hunter2" });
    // The user "steve" has been created


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to create.

    • options: UserOptions

      Additional options for creating the ArangoDB user.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<ArangoUser>>

  • Creates a new View with the given viewName and options, then returns a View instance for the new View.


    const db = new Database();
    const view = await db.createView("potatoes", { type: "arangosearch" });
    // the ArangoSearch View "potatoes" now exists


    • viewName: string

      Name of the View.

    • options: CreateViewOptions

      An object defining the properties of the View.

    Returns Promise<View>

  • Creates a new Database instance for the given databaseName that shares this database's connection pool.

    See also new Database.


    const systemDb = new Database();
    const myDb = system.database("my_database");


    • databaseName: string

      Name of the database.

    Returns Database

  • Fetches all databases from the server and returns an array of Database instances for those databases.

    See also listDatabases and userDatabases.


    const db = new Database();
    const names = await db.databases();
    // databases is an array of databases

    Returns Promise<Database[]>

  • Deletes the results of all completed async jobs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes the results of all completed async jobs created before the given threshold.


    const db = new Database();
    const ONE_WEEK = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
    await db.deleteExpiredJobResults( - ONE_WEEK);
    // all job results older than a week have been deleted


    • threshold: number

      The expiration timestamp in milliseconds.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • (Enterprise Edition only.) Deletes a local hot backup.


    await db.deleteHotBackup("2023-09-19T15.38.21Z_example");
    // the backup has been deleted


    • id: string

      The ID of the backup to delete.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Retrieves a zip bundle containing the service files.

    Returns a Buffer in node.js or Blob in the browser.


    const db = new Database();
    const serviceBundle = await db.downloadService("/my-foxx");


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    Returns Promise<Blob | Buffer>

  • Deletes the database with the given databaseName from the server.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.dropDatabase("mydb");
    // database "mydb" no longer exists


    • databaseName: string

      Name of the database to delete.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Deletes the AQL user function with the given name from the database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.dropFunction("ACME::ACCOUNTING::CALCULATE_VAT");
    // the function no longer exists


    • name: string

      The name of the user function to drop.

    • group: boolean = false

      If set to true, all functions with a name starting with name will be deleted, otherwise only the function with the exact name will be deleted.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<{
        deletedCount: number;

  • Executes the given cluster move shard operations.


    const db = new Database();
    const result = await db.computerClusterRebalance({
    moveLeaders: true,
    moveFollowers: true
    if (result.moves.length) {
    await db.executeClusterRebalance(result.moves);


    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Performs a server-side JavaScript transaction and returns its return value.

    Collections can be specified as collection names (strings) or objects implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.

    Note: The action function will be evaluated and executed on the server inside ArangoDB's embedded JavaScript environment and can not access any values other than those passed via the params option.

    See the official ArangoDB documentation for the JavaScript @arangodb module for information about accessing the database from within ArangoDB's server-side JavaScript environment.


    const db = new Database();

    const action = `
    function(params) {
    // This code will be executed inside ArangoDB!
    const { query } = require("@arangodb");
    return query\`
    FOR user IN _users
    FILTER user.age > ${params.age}
    RETURN u.user

    const result = await db.executeTransaction({
    read: ["_users"]
    }, action, {
    params: { age: 12 }
    // result contains the return value of the action


    • collections: TransactionCollections & {
          allowImplicit?: boolean;

      Collections involved in the transaction.

    • action: string

      A string evaluating to a JavaScript function to be executed on the server.

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions & {
          params?: any;

      Options for the transaction. If options.allowImplicit is specified, it will be used if collections.allowImplicit was not specified.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Performs a server-side transaction and returns its return value.

    Collections can be specified as collection names (strings) or objects implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.

    Note: The action function will be evaluated and executed on the server inside ArangoDB's embedded JavaScript environment and can not access any values other than those passed via the params option. See the official ArangoDB documentation for the JavaScript @arangodb module for information about accessing the database from within ArangoDB's server-side JavaScript environment.


    const db = new Database();

    const action = `
    function(params) {
    // This code will be executed inside ArangoDB!
    const { query } = require("@arangodb");
    return query\`
    FOR user IN _users
    FILTER user.age > ${params.age}
    RETURN u.user

    const result = await db.executeTransaction(["_users"], action, {
    params: { age: 12 }
    // result contains the return value of the action


    • collections: (string | ArangoCollection)[]

      Collections that can be read from and written to during the transaction.

    • action: string

      A string evaluating to a JavaScript function to be executed on the server.

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions & {
          params?: any;

      Options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Performs a server-side transaction and returns its return value.

    The Collection can be specified as a collection name (string) or an object implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.

    Note: The action function will be evaluated and executed on the server inside ArangoDB's embedded JavaScript environment and can not access any values other than those passed via the params option. See the official ArangoDB documentation for the JavaScript @arangodb module for information about accessing the database from within ArangoDB's server-side JavaScript environment.


    const db = new Database();

    const action = `
    function(params) {
    // This code will be executed inside ArangoDB!
    const { query } = require("@arangodb");
    return query\`
    FOR user IN _users
    FILTER user.age > ${params.age}
    RETURN u.user

    const result = await db.executeTransaction("_users", action, {
    params: { age: 12 }
    // result contains the return value of the action


    • collection: string | ArangoCollection

      A collection that can be read from and written to during the transaction.

    • action: string

      A string evaluating to a JavaScript function to be executed on the server.

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions & {
          params?: any;

      Options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Checks whether the database exists.


    const db = new Database();
    const result = await db.exists();
    // result indicates whether the database exists

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Explains a database query using the given query.

    See the aql template string handler for information about how to create a query string without manually defining bind parameters nor having to worry about escaping variables.


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const explanation = await db.explain(aql`
    FOR doc IN ${collection}
    FILTER doc.flavor == "strawberry"
    RETURN doc._key


    • query: AqlQuery<any>

      An object containing an AQL query string and bind parameters, e.g. the object returned from an aql template string.

    • Optional options: ExplainOptions & {
          allPlans?: false;

      Options for explaining the query.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<SingleExplainResult>>

  • Explains a database query using the given query.

    See the aql template string handler for information about how to create a query string without manually defining bind parameters nor having to worry about escaping variables.


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const explanation = await db.explain(
    FOR doc IN ${collection}
    FILTER doc.flavor == "strawberry"
    RETURN doc._key
    { allPlans: true }


    • query: AqlQuery<any>

      An object containing an AQL query string and bind parameters, e.g. the object returned from an aql template string.

    • Optional options: ExplainOptions & {
          allPlans: true;

      Options for explaining the query.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<MultiExplainResult>>

  • Explains a database query using the given query and bindVars.

    See the aql template string handler for a safer and easier alternative to passing strings directly.


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const explanation = await db.explain(
    FOR doc IN @@collection
    FILTER doc.flavor == "strawberry"
    RETURN doc._key
    { "@collection": }


    • query: string | AqlLiteral

      An AQL query string.

    • Optional bindVars: Record<string, any>

      An object defining bind parameters for the query.

    • Optional options: ExplainOptions & {
          allPlans?: false;

      Options for explaining the query.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<SingleExplainResult>>

  • Explains a database query using the given query and bindVars.

    See the aql template string handler for a safer and easier alternative to passing strings directly.


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const explanation = await db.explain(
    FOR doc IN @@collection
    FILTER doc.flavor == "strawberry"
    RETURN doc._key
    { "@collection": },
    { allPlans: true }


    • query: string | AqlLiteral

      An AQL query string.

    • Optional bindVars: Record<string, any>

      An object defining bind parameters for the query.

    • Optional options: ExplainOptions & {
          allPlans: true;

      Options for explaining the query.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<MultiExplainResult>>

  • Fetches the database description for the active database from the server.


    const db = new Database();
    const info = await db.get();
    // the database exists

    Returns Promise<DatabaseInfo>

  • Computes the current cluster imbalance.


    const db = new Database();
    const imbalance = await db.getClusterImbalance();

    Returns Promise<ClusterRebalanceState>

  • Retrieves the log messages from the server's global log.


    const log = await db.getLogEntries();
    for (let i = 0; i < log.totalAmount; i++) {
    new Date(log.timestamp[i] * 1000).toISOString()
    } - [${LogLevel[log.level[i]]}] ${log.text[i]} (#${log.lid[i]})`);


    Returns Promise<LogEntries>

  • Retrieves the server's current log level for each topic.


    const levels = await db.getLogLevel();
    console.log(levels.request); // log level for incoming requests

    Returns Promise<Record<string, LogLevelSetting>>

  • Retrieves the log messages from the server's global log.


    const messages = await db.getLogMessages();
    for (const m of messages) {
    console.log(`${} - [${m.level}] ${m.message} (#${})`);


    Returns Promise<LogMessage[]>

  • Retrieves information about a mounted service.


    const db = new Database();
    const info = await db.getService("/my-service");
    // info contains detailed information about the service


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    Returns Promise<ServiceInfo>

  • Retrieves information about the service's configuration options and their current values.

    See also replaceServiceConfiguration and updateServiceConfiguration.


    const db = new Database();
    const config = await db.getServiceConfiguration("/my-service");
    for (const [key, option] of Object.entries(config)) {
    console.log(`${option.title} (${key}): ${option.current}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • Optional minimal: false

      If set to true, the result will only include each configuration option's current value. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each option.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, ServiceConfiguration>>

  • Retrieves information about the service's configuration options and their current values.

    See also replaceServiceConfiguration and updateServiceConfiguration.


    const db = new Database();
    const config = await db.getServiceConfiguration("/my-service", true);
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(config)) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • minimal: true

      If set to true, the result will only include each configuration option's current value. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each option.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, any>>

  • Retrieves information about the service's dependencies and their current mount points.

    See also replaceServiceDependencies and updateServiceDependencies.


    const db = new Database();
    const deps = await db.getServiceDependencies("/my-service");
    for (const [key, dep] of Object.entries(deps)) {
    console.log(`${dep.title} (${key}): ${dep.current}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • Optional minimal: false

      If set to true, the result will only include each dependency's current mount point. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each dependency.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, SingleServiceDependency | MultiServiceDependency>>

  • Retrieves information about the service's dependencies and their current mount points.

    See also replaceServiceDependencies and updateServiceDependencies.


    const db = new Database();
    const deps = await db.getServiceDependencies("/my-service", true);
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(deps)) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • minimal: true

      If set to true, the result will only include each dependency's current mount point. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each dependency.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, string | string[]>>

  • Retrieves an Open API compatible Swagger API description object for the service installed at the given mount point.


    const db = new Database();
    const spec = await db.getServiceDocumentation("/my-service");
    // spec is a Swagger API description of the service


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    Returns Promise<SwaggerJson>

  • Retrieves the text content of the service's README or file.

    Returns undefined if no such file could be found.


    const db = new Database();
    const readme = await db.getServiceReadme("/my-service");
    if (readme !== undefined) console.log(readme);
    else console.warn(`No README found.`)


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    Returns Promise<undefined | string>

  • Fetches the user data of a single ArangoDB user.


    const db = new Database();
    const user = await db.getUser("steve");
    // user is the user object for the user named "steve"


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to fetch.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<ArangoUser>>

  • Fetches the given ArangoDB user's access level for the database, or the given collection in the given database.


    const db = new Database();
    const accessLevel = await db.getUserAccessLevel("steve");
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been fetched for the current
    // database.


    const db = new Database();
    const accessLevel = await db.getUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    database: "staging"
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been fetched for the "staging"
    // database.


    const db = new Database();
    const accessLevel = await db.getUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    collection: "pokemons"
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been fetched for the
    // "pokemons" collection in the current database.


    const db = new Database();
    const accessLevel = await db.getUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    database: "staging",
    collection: "pokemons"
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been fetched for the
    // "pokemons" collection in the "staging" database.


    const db = new Database();
    const staging = db.database("staging");
    const accessLevel = await db.getUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    database: staging
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been fetched for the "staging"
    // database.


    const db = new Database();
    const staging = db.database("staging");
    const accessLevel = await db.getUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    collection: staging.collection("pokemons")
    // The access level of the user "steve" has been fetched for the
    // "pokemons" collection in database "staging".


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to fetch the access level for.

    • __namedParameters: UserAccessLevelOptions

    Returns Promise<AccessLevel>

  • Fetches an object mapping names of databases to the access level of the given ArangoDB user for those databases.


    const db = new Database();
    const accessLevels = await db.getUserDatabases("steve");
    for (const [databaseName, accessLevel] of Object.entries(accessLevels)) {
    console.log(`${databaseName}: ${accessLevel}`);


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to fetch the access levels for.

    • Optional full: false

      Whether access levels for collections should be included.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, AccessLevel>>

  • Fetches an object mapping names of databases to the access level of the given ArangoDB user for those databases and the collections within each database.


    const db = new Database();
    const accessLevels = await db.getUserDatabases("steve", true);
    for (const [databaseName, obj] of Object.entries(accessLevels)) {
    console.log(`${databaseName}: ${obj.permission}`);
    for (const [collectionName, accessLevel] of Object.entries(obj.collections)) {
    console.log(`${databaseName}/${collectionName}: ${accessLevel}`);


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to fetch the access levels for.

    • full: true

      Whether access levels for collections should be included.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, {
        collections: Record<string, "undefined" | AccessLevel>;
        permission: AccessLevel;

  • Returns a Graph instance representing the graph with the given graphName.


    const db = new Database();
    const graph = db.graph("some-graph");


    • graphName: string

      Name of the graph.

    Returns Graph

  • Fetches all graphs from the database and returns an array of Graph instances for those graphs.

    See also listGraphs.


    const db = new Database();
    const graphs = await db.graphs();
    // graphs is an array of Graph instances

    Returns Promise<Graph[]>

  • Installs a new service.


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a node.js file stream as source
    const source = fs.createReadStream("./");
    const info = await db.installService("/hello", source);


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a node.js Buffer as source
    const source = fs.readFileSync("./");
    const info = await db.installService("/hello", source);


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a File (Blob) from a browser file input
    const element = document.getElementById("my-file-input");
    const source = element.files[0];
    const info = await db.installService("/hello", source);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • source: string | Readable | Blob | Buffer

      The service bundle to install.

    • options: InstallServiceOptions = {}

      Options for installing the service.

    Returns Promise<ServiceInfo>

  • Returns a Job instance for the given jobId.


    const db = new Database();
    const job = db.job("12345");


    • jobId: string

      ID of the async job.

    Returns Job<any>

  • Kills a running query with the given queryId.

    See also listRunningQueries.


    const db = new Database();
    const queries = await db.listRunningQueries();
    await Promise.all(
    async (query) => {
    if (query.state === "executing") {
    await db.killQuery(;


    • queryId: string

      The ID of a currently running query.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Fetches all Analyzers visible in the database and returns an array of Analyzer descriptions.

    See also analyzers.


    const db = new Database();
    const analyzers = await db.listAnalyzers();
    // analyzers is an array of Analyzer descriptions

    Returns Promise<AnalyzerDescription[]>

  • Fetches all collections from the database and returns an array of collection descriptions.

    See also collections.


    const db = new Database();
    const collections = await db.listCollections();
    // collections is an array of collection descriptions
    // not including system collections


    const db = new Database();
    const collections = await db.listCollections(false);
    // collections is an array of collection descriptions
    // including system collections


    • excludeSystem: boolean = true

      Whether system collections should be excluded.

    Returns Promise<CollectionMetadata[]>

  • Returns a list of the IDs of all currently available completed async jobs.


    const db = new Database();
    const completedJobs = await db.listCompletedJobs();
    console.log(completedJobs); // e.g. ["12345", "67890"]

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Fetches all databases from the server and returns an array of their names.

    See also databases and listUserDatabases.


    const db = new Database();
    const names = await db.listDatabases();
    // databases is an array of database names

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Fetches a list of all AQL user functions registered with the database.


    const db = new Database();
    const functions = await db.listFunctions();
    const names = =>;

    Returns Promise<AqlUserFunction[]>

  • Fetches all graphs from the database and returns an array of graph descriptions.

    See also graphs.


    const db = new Database();
    const graphs = await db.listGraphs();
    // graphs is an array of graph descriptions

    Returns Promise<GraphInfo[]>

  • (Enterprise Edition only.) Retrieves a list of all locally found hot backups.


    const backups = await db.listHotBackups();
    for (const backup of backups) {


    • Optional id: string | string[]

      If specified, only the backup with the given ID will be returned.

    Returns Promise<HotBackupList>

  • Returns a list of the IDs of all currently pending async jobs.


    const db = new Database();
    const pendingJobs = await db.listPendingJobs();
    console.log(pendingJobs); // e.g. ["12345", "67890"]

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Fetches a list of information for all currently running queries.

    See also listSlowQueries and killQuery.


    const db = new Database();
    const queries = await db.listRunningQueries();

    Returns Promise<QueryInfo[]>

  • Retrieves a list of scripts defined in the service manifest's "scripts" section mapped to their human readable representations.


    const db = new Database();
    const scripts = await db.listServiceScripts("/my-service");
    for (const [name, title] of Object.entries(scripts)) {
    console.log(`${name}: ${title}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, string>>

  • Fetches a list of all installed service.


    const db = new Database();
    const services = await db.listServices();


    const db = new Database();
    const services = await db.listServices(false); // all services


    • excludeSystem: boolean = true

      Whether system services should be excluded.

    Returns Promise<ServiceSummary[]>

  • Fetches a list of information for all recent slow queries.

    See also listRunningQueries and clearSlowQueries.


    const db = new Database();
    const queries = await db.listSlowQueries();
    // Only works if slow query tracking is enabled

    Returns Promise<QueryInfo[]>

  • Fetches all active transactions from the database and returns an array of transaction descriptions.

    See also transactions.


    const db = new Database();
    const transactions = await db.listTransactions();
    // transactions is an array of transaction descriptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionDetails[]>

  • Fetches all databases accessible to the active user from the server and returns an array of their names.

    See also userDatabases and listDatabases.


    const db = new Database();
    const names = await db.listUserDatabases();
    // databases is an array of database names

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Fetches all ArangoDB users visible to the authenticated user and returns an array of user objects.


    const db = new Database();
    const users = await db.listUsers();
    // users is an array of user objects

    Returns Promise<ArangoUser[]>

  • Fetches all Views from the database and returns an array of View descriptions.

    See also views.


    const db = new Database();

    const views = await db.listViews();
    // views is an array of View descriptions

    Returns Promise<ViewDescription[]>

  • Validates the given database credentials and exchanges them for an authentication token, then uses the authentication token for future requests and returns it.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.login("admin", "hunter2");
    // with an authentication token for the "admin" user.


    • username: string = "root"

      The username to authenticate with.

    • password: string = ""

      The password to authenticate with.

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Parses the given query and returns the result.

    See the aql template string handler for information about how to create a query string without manually defining bind parameters nor having to worry about escaping variables.


    const db = new Database();
    const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
    const ast = await db.parse(aql`
    FOR doc IN ${collection}
    FILTER doc.flavor == "strawberry"
    RETURN doc._key


    • query: string | AqlLiteral | AqlQuery<any>

      An AQL query string or an object containing an AQL query string and bind parameters, e.g. the object returned from an aql template string.

    Returns Promise<ParseResult>

  • Performs a database query using the given query, then returns a new ArrayCursor instance for the result set.

    See the aql template string handler for information about how to create a query string without manually defining bind parameters nor having to worry about escaping variables.


    const db = new Database();
    const active = true;
    const Users = db.collection("_users");

    // Using an aql template string:
    // Bind parameters are automatically extracted and arangojs collections
    // are automatically passed as collection bind parameters.
    const cursor = await db.query(aql`
    FOR u IN ${Users}
    FILTER == ${active}
    RETURN u.user
    // cursor is a cursor for the query result


    const db = new Database();
    const active = true;
    const Users = db.collection("_users");

    // Using an object with a regular multi-line string
    const cursor = await db.query({
    query: `
    FOR u IN @@users
    FILTER == @active
    RETURN u.user
    bindVars: { active: active, "@users": }

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • query: AqlQuery<T>

      An object containing an AQL query string and bind parameters, e.g. the object returned from an aql template string.

    • Optional options: QueryOptions

      Options for the query execution.

    Returns Promise<ArrayCursor<T>>

  • Performs a database query using the given query and bindVars, then returns a new ArrayCursor instance for the result set.

    See the aql template string handler for a safer and easier alternative to passing strings directly.


    const db = new Database();
    const active = true;
    const Users = db.collection("_users");

    const cursor = await db.query(
    // A normal multi-line string
    FOR u IN @@users
    FILTER == @active
    RETURN u.user
    { active: active, "@users": }


    const db = new Database();
    const active = true;
    const Users = db.collection("_users");

    const cursor = await db.query(
    // An AQL literal created from a normal multi-line string
    FOR u IN @@users
    FILTER == @active
    RETURN u.user
    { active: active, "@users": }

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • query: string | AqlLiteral

      An AQL query string.

    • Optional bindVars: Record<string, any>

      An object defining bind parameters for the query.

    • Optional options: QueryOptions

      Options for the query execution.

    Returns Promise<ArrayCursor<T>>

  • Fetches the available optimizer rules.


    const db = new Database();
    const rules = await db.queryRules();
    for (const rule of rules) {

    Returns Promise<QueryOptimizerRule[]>

  • Fetches the query tracking properties.


    const db = new Database();
    const tracking = await db.queryTracking();

    Returns Promise<QueryTracking>

  • Modifies the query tracking properties.


    const db = new Database();
    // track up to 5 slow queries exceeding 5 seconds execution time
    await db.setQueryTracking({
    enabled: true,
    trackSlowQueries: true,
    maxSlowQueries: 5,
    slowQueryThreshold: 5


    Returns Promise<QueryTracking>

  • Removes the ArangoDB user with the given username from the server.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.removeUser("steve");
    // The user "steve" has been removed


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to remove.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Record<string, never>>>

  • Renames the collection collectionName to newName.

    Additionally removes any stored Collection instance for collectionName from the Database instance's internal cache.

    Note: Renaming collections may not be supported when ArangoDB is running in a cluster configuration.


    • collectionName: string

      Current name of the collection.

    • newName: string

      The new name of the collection.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<CollectionMetadata>>

  • Renames the view viewName to newName.

    Additionally removes any stored View instance for viewName from the Database instance's internal cache.

    Note: Renaming views may not be supported when ArangoDB is running in a cluster configuration.


    • viewName: string

      Current name of the view.

    • newName: string

      The new name of the view.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<ViewDescription>>

  • Attempts to renew the authentication token passed to useBearerAuth or returned and used by login. If a new authentication token is issued, it will be used for future requests and returned.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.login("admin", "hunter2");
    // ... later ...
    const newToken = await db.renewAuthToken();
    if (!newToken) // no new token issued

    Returns Promise<null | string>

  • Replaces an existing service with a new service by completely removing the old service and installing a new service at the same mount point.


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a node.js file stream as source
    const source = fs.createReadStream("./");
    const info = await db.replaceService("/hello", source);


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a node.js Buffer as source
    const source = fs.readFileSync("./");
    const info = await db.replaceService("/hello", source);


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a File (Blob) from a browser file input
    const element = document.getElementById("my-file-input");
    const source = element.files[0];
    const info = await db.replaceService("/hello", source);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • source: string | Readable | Blob | Buffer

      The service bundle to install.

    • options: ReplaceServiceOptions = {}

      Options for replacing the service.

    Returns Promise<ServiceInfo>

  • Replaces the configuration of the given service, discarding any existing values for options not specified.

    See also updateServiceConfiguration and getServiceConfiguration.


    const db = new Database();
    const config = { currency: "USD", locale: "en-US" };
    const info = await db.replaceServiceConfiguration("/my-service", config);
    for (const [key, option] of Object.entries(info)) {
    console.log(`${option.title} (${key}): ${option.value}`);
    if (option.warning) console.warn(`Warning: ${option.warning}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • cfg: Record<string, any>

      An object mapping configuration option names to values.

    • Optional minimal: false

      If set to true, the result will only include each configuration option's current value and warning (if any). Otherwise it will include the full definition for each option.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, ServiceConfiguration & {
        warning?: string;

  • Replaces the configuration of the given service, discarding any existing values for options not specified.

    See also updateServiceConfiguration and getServiceConfiguration.


    const db = new Database();
    const config = { currency: "USD", locale: "en-US" };
    const info = await db.replaceServiceConfiguration("/my-service", config);
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(info.values)) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
    if (info.warnings[key]) console.warn(`Warning: ${info.warnings[key]}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • cfg: Record<string, any>

      An object mapping configuration option names to values.

    • minimal: true

      If set to true, the result will only include each configuration option's current value and warning (if any). Otherwise it will include the full definition for each option.

    Returns Promise<{
        values: Record<string, any>;
        warnings: Record<string, string>;

  • Replaces the dependencies of the given service, discarding any existing mount points for dependencies not specified.

    See also updateServiceDependencies and getServiceDependencies.


    const db = new Database();
    const deps = { mailer: "/mailer-api", auth: "/remote-auth" };
    const info = await db.replaceServiceDependencies("/my-service", deps);
    for (const [key, dep] of Object.entries(info)) {
    console.log(`${dep.title} (${key}): ${dep.current}`);
    if (dep.warning) console.warn(`Warning: ${dep.warning}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • deps: Record<string, string>
    • Optional minimal: false

      If set to true, the result will only include each dependency's current mount point. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each dependency.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, Object>>

  • Replaces the dependencies of the given service, discarding any existing mount points for dependencies not specified.

    See also updateServiceDependencies and getServiceDependencies.


    const db = new Database();
    const deps = { mailer: "/mailer-api", auth: "/remote-auth" };
    const info = await db.replaceServiceDependencies(
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(info)) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
    if (info.warnings[key]) console.warn(`Warning: ${info.warnings[key]}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • deps: Record<string, string>
    • minimal: true

      If set to true, the result will only include each dependency's current mount point. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each dependency.

    Returns Promise<{
        values: Record<string, string>;
        warnings: Record<string, string>;

  • Replaces the ArangoDB user's option with the new options.


    const db = new Database();
    const user = await db.replaceUser("steve", { passwd: "", active: false });
    // The user "steve" has been set to inactive with an empty password


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to modify.

    • options: UserOptions

      New options to replace the user's existing options.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<ArangoUser>>

  • (Enteprise Edition only.) Restores a consistent local hot backup.

    Returns the directory path of the restored backup.


    await db.restoreHotBackup("2023-09-19T15.38.21Z_example");
    // the backup has been restored


    • id: string

      The ID of the backup to restore.

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns a new Route instance for the given path (relative to the database) that can be used to perform arbitrary HTTP requests.


    const db = new Database();
    const myFoxxService = db.route("my-foxx-service");
    const response = await"users", {
    username: "admin",
    password: "hunter2"
    // response.body is the result of
    // POST /_db/_system/my-foxx-service/users
    // with JSON request body '{"username": "admin", "password": "hunter2"}'


    • Optional path: string

      The database-relative URL of the route. Defaults to the database API root.

    • Optional headers: Headers

      Default headers that should be sent with each request to the route.

    Returns Route

  • Executes a service script and retrieves its result exposed as module.exports (if any).


    const db = new Database();
    const result = await db.runServiceScript(
    username: "service_admin",
    password: "hunter2"


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • name: string

      Name of the service script to execute as defined in the service manifest.

    • Optional params: any

      Arbitrary value that will be exposed to the script as argv[0] in the service context (e.g. module.context.argv[0]). Must be serializable to JSON.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results using the "default" reporter.


    const db = new Database();
    const testReport = await db.runServiceTests("/my-foxx");


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • Optional options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic?: false;
          reporter?: "default";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • Optional idiomatic?: false

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. Has no effect when using the "default" or "suite" reporters.

      • Optional reporter?: "default"

    Returns Promise<ServiceTestDefaultReport>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results using the "suite" reporter, which groups the test result by test suite.


    const db = new Database();
    const suiteReport = await db.runServiceTests(
    { reporter: "suite" }


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic?: false;
          reporter: "suite";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • Optional idiomatic?: false

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. Has no effect when using the "default" or "suite" reporters.

      • reporter: "suite"

    Returns Promise<ServiceTestSuiteReport>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results using the "stream" reporter, which represents the results as a sequence of tuples representing events.


    const db = new Database();
    const streamEvents = await db.runServiceTests(
    { reporter: "stream" }


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic?: false;
          reporter: "stream";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • Optional idiomatic?: false

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. If set to true, the results will be returned as a formatted string.

      • reporter: "stream"

    Returns Promise<ServiceTestStreamReport>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results using the "tap" reporter, which represents the results as an array of strings using the "tap" format.


    const db = new Database();
    const tapLines = await db.runServiceTests(
    { reporter: "tap" }


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic?: false;
          reporter: "tap";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • Optional idiomatic?: false

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. If set to true, the results will be returned as a formatted string.

      • reporter: "tap"

    Returns Promise<ServiceTestTapReport>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results using the "xunit" reporter, which represents the results as an XML document using the JSONML exchange format.


    const db = new Database();
    const jsonML = await db.runServiceTests(
    { reporter: "xunit" }


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic?: false;
          reporter: "xunit";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • Optional idiomatic?: false

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. If set to true, the results will be returned as a formatted string.

      • reporter: "xunit"

    Returns Promise<ServiceTestXunitReport>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results as a string using the "stream" reporter in "idiomatic" mode, which represents the results as a line-delimited JSON stream of tuples representing events.


    const db = new Database();
    const streamReport = await db.runServiceTests(
    { reporter: "stream", idiomatic: true }


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic: true;
          reporter: "stream";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • idiomatic: true

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. If set to false, the results will be returned as an array of tuples instead of a string.

      • reporter: "stream"

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results as a string using the "tap" reporter in "idiomatic" mode, which represents the results using the "tap" format.


    const db = new Database();
    const tapReport = await db.runServiceTests(
    { reporter: "tap", idiomatic: true }


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic: true;
          reporter: "tap";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • idiomatic: true

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. If set to false, the results will be returned as an array of strings instead of a single string.

      • reporter: "tap"

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Runs the tests of a given service and returns the results as a string using the "xunit" reporter in "idiomatic" mode, which represents the results as an XML document.


    const db = new Database();
    const xml = await db.runServiceTests(
    { reporter: "xunit", idiomatic: true }


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • options: {
          filter?: string;
          idiomatic: true;
          reporter: "xunit";

      Options for running the tests.

      • Optional filter?: string

        If set, only tests with full names including this exact string will be executed.

      • idiomatic: true

        Whether the reporter should use "idiomatic" mode. If set to false, the results will be returned using the JSONML exchange format instead of a string.

      • reporter: "xunit"

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Sets the server's log level for each of the given topics to the given level.

    Any omitted topics will be left unchanged.


    await db.setLogLevel({ request: "debug" });
    // Debug information will now be logged for each request


    • levels: Record<string, LogLevelSetting>

      An object mapping topic names to log levels.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, LogLevelSetting>>

  • Sets the limit for the number of values of the most recently received server-reported queue times that can be accessed using queueTime.


    • responseQueueTimeSamples: number

      Number of values to maintain.

    Returns void

  • Enables or disables development mode for the given service.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.setServiceDevelopmentMode("/my-service", true);
    // the service is now in development mode
    await db.setServiceDevelopmentMode("/my-service", false);
    // the service is now in production mode


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • enabled: boolean = true

      Whether development mode should be enabled or disabled.

    Returns Promise<ServiceInfo>

  • Sets the given ArangoDB user's access level for the database, or the given collection in the given database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.setUserAccessLevel("steve", { grant: "rw" });
    // The user "steve" now has read-write access to the current database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.setUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    database: "staging",
    grant: "rw"
    // The user "steve" now has read-write access to the "staging" database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.setUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    collection: "pokemons",
    grant: "rw"
    // The user "steve" now has read-write access to the "pokemons" collection
    // in the current database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.setUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    database: "staging",
    collection: "pokemons",
    grant: "rw"
    // The user "steve" now has read-write access to the "pokemons" collection
    // in the "staging" database.


    const db = new Database();
    const staging = db.database("staging");
    await db.setUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    database: staging,
    grant: "rw"
    // The user "steve" now has read-write access to the "staging" database.


    const db = new Database();
    const staging = db.database("staging");
    await db.setUserAccessLevel("steve", {
    collection: staging.collection("pokemons"),
    grant: "rw"
    // The user "steve" now has read-write access to the "pokemons" collection
    // in database "staging".


    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<Record<string, AccessLevel>>>

  • Attempts to initiate a clean shutdown of the server.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Retrives the server's current system time in milliseconds with microsecond precision.

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Returns a Transaction instance for an existing streaming transaction with the given id.

    See also beginTransaction.


    const trx1 = await db.beginTransaction(collections);
    const id =;
    // later
    const trx2 = db.transaction(id);
    await trx2.commit();


    • transactionId: string

    Returns Transaction

  • Fetches all active transactions from the database and returns an array of Transaction instances for those transactions.

    See also listTransactions.


    const db = new Database();
    const transactions = await db.transactions();
    // transactions is an array of transactions

    Returns Promise<Transaction[]>

  • Completely removes a service from the database.


    const db = new Database();
    await db.uninstallService("/my-foxx");


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • Optional options: UninstallServiceOptions

      Options for uninstalling the service.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Updates the configuration of the given service while maintaining any existing values for options not specified.

    See also replaceServiceConfiguration and getServiceConfiguration.


    const db = new Database();
    const config = { currency: "USD", locale: "en-US" };
    const info = await db.updateServiceConfiguration("/my-service", config);
    for (const [key, option] of Object.entries(info)) {
    console.log(`${option.title} (${key}): ${option.value}`);
    if (option.warning) console.warn(`Warning: ${option.warning}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • cfg: Record<string, any>

      An object mapping configuration option names to values.

    • Optional minimal: false

      If set to true, the result will only include each configuration option's current value and warning (if any). Otherwise it will include the full definition for each option.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, ServiceConfiguration & {
        warning?: string;

  • Updates the configuration of the given service while maintaining any existing values for options not specified.

    See also replaceServiceConfiguration and getServiceConfiguration.


    const db = new Database();
    const config = { currency: "USD", locale: "en-US" };
    const info = await db.updateServiceConfiguration("/my-service", config);
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(info.values)) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
    if (info.warnings[key]) console.warn(`Warning: ${info.warnings[key]}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • cfg: Record<string, any>

      An object mapping configuration option names to values.

    • minimal: true

      If set to true, the result will only include each configuration option's current value and warning (if any). Otherwise it will include the full definition for each option.

    Returns Promise<{
        values: Record<string, any>;
        warnings: Record<string, string>;

  • Updates the dependencies of the given service while maintaining any existing mount points for dependencies not specified.

    See also replaceServiceDependencies and getServiceDependencies.


    const db = new Database();
    const deps = { mailer: "/mailer-api", auth: "/remote-auth" };
    const info = await db.updateServiceDependencies("/my-service", deps);
    for (const [key, dep] of Object.entries(info)) {
    console.log(`${dep.title} (${key}): ${dep.current}`);
    if (dep.warning) console.warn(`Warning: ${dep.warning}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • deps: Record<string, string>
    • Optional minimal: false

      If set to true, the result will only include each dependency's current mount point. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each dependency.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, Object>>

  • Updates the dependencies of the given service while maintaining any existing mount points for dependencies not specified.

    See also replaceServiceDependencies and getServiceDependencies.


    const db = new Database();
    const deps = { mailer: "/mailer-api", auth: "/remote-auth" };
    const info = await db.updateServiceDependencies(
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(info)) {
    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
    if (info.warnings[key]) console.warn(`Warning: ${info.warnings[key]}`);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • deps: Record<string, string>
    • minimal: true

      If set to true, the result will only include each dependency's current mount point. Otherwise it will include the full definition for each dependency.

    Returns Promise<{
        values: Record<string, string>;
        warnings: Record<string, string>;

  • Sets the password of a given ArangoDB user to the new value.


    const db = new Database();
    const user = await db.updateUser("steve", "hunter2");
    // The user "steve" has received a new password


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to change the password for.

    • passwd: string

      New password for the ArangoDB user.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<ArangoUser>>

  • Updates the ArangoDB user with the new options.


    const db = new Database();
    const user = await db.updateUser("steve", { active: false });
    // The user "steve" has been set to inactive


    • username: string

      Name of the ArangoDB user to modify.

    • options: Partial<UserOptions>

      Options of the ArangoDB user to modify.

    Returns Promise<ArangoApiResponse<ArangoUser>>

  • Replaces an existing service with a new service while retaining the old service's configuration and dependencies.


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a node.js file stream as source
    const source = fs.createReadStream("./");
    const info = await db.upgradeService("/hello", source);


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a node.js Buffer as source
    const source = fs.readFileSync("./");
    const info = await db.upgradeService("/hello", source);


    const db = new Database();
    // Using a File (Blob) from a browser file input
    const element = document.getElementById("my-file-input");
    const source = element.files[0];
    const info = await db.upgradeService("/hello", source);


    • mount: string

      The service's mount point, relative to the database.

    • source: string | Readable | Blob | Buffer

      The service bundle to install.

    • options: UpgradeServiceOptions = {}

      Options for upgrading the service.

    Returns Promise<ServiceInfo>

  • Updates the underlying connection's authorization header to use Basic authentication with the given username and password, then returns itself.


    const db = new Database();
    db.useBasicAuth("admin", "hunter2");
    // with the username "admin" and password "hunter2".


    • username: string = "root"

      The username to authenticate with.

    • password: string = ""

      The password to authenticate with.

    Returns Database

  • Updates the underlying connection's authorization header to use Bearer authentication with the given authentication token, then returns itself.


    const db = new Database();
    // The database instance now uses Bearer authentication.


    • token: string

      The token to authenticate with.

    Returns Database

  • Fetches all databases accessible to the active user from the server and returns an array of Database instances for those databases.

    See also listUserDatabases and databases.


    const db = new Database();
    const names = await db.userDatabases();
    // databases is an array of databases

    Returns Promise<Database[]>

  • Fetches version information from the ArangoDB server.


    const db = new Database();
    const version = await db.version();
    // the version object contains the ArangoDB version information.
    // license: "community" or "enterprise"
    // version: ArangoDB version number
    // server: description of the server


    • Optional details: boolean

      If set to true, additional information about the ArangoDB server will be available as the details property.

    Returns Promise<VersionInfo>

  • Returns a View instance for the given viewName.


    const db = new Database();
    const view = db.view("potatoes");


    • viewName: string

      Name of the ArangoSearch or SearchAlias View.

    Returns View

  • Fetches all Views from the database and returns an array of View instances for the Views.

    See also listViews.


    const db = new Database();
    const views = await db.views();
    // views is an array of ArangoSearch View instances

    Returns Promise<View[]>

  • Performs a request against every known coordinator and returns when the request has succeeded against every coordinator or the timeout is reached.

    Note: This method is primarily intended to make database setup easier in cluster scenarios and requires all coordinators to be known to arangojs before the method is invoked. The method is not useful in single-server or leader-follower replication scenarios.


    const db = new Database({ loadBalancingStrategy: "ROUND_ROBIN" });
    await system.acquireHostList();
    const analyzer = db.analyzer("my-analyzer");
    await analyzer.create();
    await db.waitForPropagation(
    { path: `/_api/analyzer/${encodeURIComponent(}` },
    // Analyzer has been propagated to all coordinators and can safely be used


    • request: RequestOptions

      Request to perform against each known coordinator.

    • Optional timeout: number

      Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for propagation.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Begins and commits a transaction using the given callback. Individual requests that are part of the transaction need to be wrapped in the step function passed into the callback. If the promise returned by the callback is rejected, the transaction will be aborted.

    Collections can be specified as collection names (strings) or objects implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.


    const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
    const edges = db.collection("edges");
    await db.withTransaction(
    read: ["vertices"],
    write: [edges] // collection instances can be passed directly
    async (step) => {
    const start = await step(() => vertices.document("a"));
    const end = await step(() => vertices.document("b"));
    await step(() =>{ _from: start._id, _to: end._id }));

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • collections: TransactionCollections

      Collections involved in the transaction.

    • callback: ((step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)

      Callback function executing the transaction steps.

        • (step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)): Promise<T>
        • Parameters

          • step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)
              • <T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)): Promise<T>
              • Executes the given function locally as a single step of the transaction.


                const db = new Database();
                const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
                const edges = db.collection("edges");
                const trx = await db.beginTransaction({ write: [vertices, edges] });

                // The following code will be part of the transaction
                const left = await trx.step(() =>{ label: "left" }));
                const right = await trx.step(() =>{ label: "right" }));

                // Results from preceding actions can be used normally
                await trx.step(() =>{
                _from: left._id,
                _to: right._id,
                data: "potato"

                // Transaction must be committed for changes to take effected
                // Always call either trx.commit or trx.abort to end a transaction
                await trx.commit();


                // BAD! If the callback is an async function it must only use await once!
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await; // WRONG

                // BAD! Callback function must use only one arangojs call!
                await trx.step(() => {
                .then(() =>; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Wrap every arangojs method call that should be part of the
                // transaction in a separate `trx.step` call
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;


                // BAD! If the callback is an async function it must not await before
                // calling an arangojs method!
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await doSomethingElse();
                return; // WRONG

                // BAD! Any arangojs inside the callback must not happen inside a promise
                // method!
                await trx.step(() => {
                return doSomethingElse()
                .then(() =>; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Perform any async logic needed outside the `trx.step` call
                await doSomethingElse();
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: You can perform async logic in the callback after the arangojs
                // method call as long as it does not involve additional arangojs method
                // calls, but this makes it easy to make mistakes later
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await doSomethingDifferent(); // no arangojs method calls allowed


                // BAD! The callback should not use any functions that themselves use any
                // arangojs methods!
                async function saveSomeData() {
                await trx.step(() => saveSomeData()); // WRONG

                // BETTER: Pass the transaction to functions that need to call arangojs
                // methods inside a transaction
                async function saveSomeData(trx) {
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await saveSomeData(); // no `trx.step` call needed


                // BAD! You must wait for the promise to resolve (or await on the
                // `trx.step` call) before calling `trx.step` again!
                trx.step(() =>; // WRONG
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // BAD! The trx.step callback can not make multiple calls to async arangojs
                // methods, not even using Promise.all!
                await trx.step(() => Promise.all([ // WRONG

                // BAD! Multiple `trx.step` calls can not run in parallel!
                await Promise.all([ // WRONG
                trx.step(() =>,
                trx.step(() =>,

                // BETTER: Always call `trx.step` sequentially, one after the other
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: The then callback can be used if async/await is not available
                trx.step(() =>
                .then(() => trx.step(() =>;


                // BAD! The callback will return an empty promise that resolves before
                // the inner arangojs method call has even talked to ArangoDB!
                await trx.step(async () => {
      ; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Use an arrow function so you don't forget to return
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: Remember to always return when using a function body
                await trx.step(() => {
                return; // easy to forget!

                // OKAY: You do not have to use arrow functions but it helps
                await trx.step(function () {


                // BAD! You can not pass promises instead of a callback!
                await trx.step(; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Wrap the code in a function and pass the function instead
                await trx.step(() =>;


                // WORSE: Calls to non-async arangojs methods don't need to be performed
                // as part of a transaction
                const collection = await trx.step(() => db.collection("my-documents"));

                // BETTER: If an arangojs method is not async and doesn't return promises,
                // call it without `trx.step`
                const collection = db.collection("my-documents");

                Type Parameters

                • T

                  Type of the callback's returned promise.


                • callback: (() => Promise<T>)

                  Callback function returning a promise.

                  Warning: The callback function should wrap a single call of an async arangojs method (e.g. a method on a Collection object of a collection that is involved in the transaction or the db.query method). If the callback function is async, only the first promise-returning (or async) method call will be executed as part of the transaction. See the examples below for how to avoid common mistakes when using this method.

                  Note: Avoid defining the callback as an async function if possible as arangojs will throw an error if the callback did not return a promise. Async functions will return an empty promise by default, making it harder to notice if you forgot to return something from the callback.

                  Note: Although almost anything can be wrapped in a callback and passed to this method, that does not guarantee ArangoDB can actually do it in a transaction. Refer to the ArangoDB documentation if you are unsure whether a given operation can be executed as part of a transaction. Generally any modification or retrieval of data is eligible but modifications of collections or databases are not.

                    • (): Promise<T>
                    • Returns Promise<T>

                Returns Promise<T>

          Returns Promise<T>

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions

      Options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<T>

  • Begins and commits a transaction using the given callback. Individual requests that are part of the transaction need to be wrapped in the step function passed into the callback. If the promise returned by the callback is rejected, the transaction will be aborted.

    Collections can be specified as collection names (strings) or objects implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.


    const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
    const edges = db.collection("edges");
    await db.withTransaction(
    edges, // collection instances can be passed directly
    async (step) => {
    const start = await step(() => vertices.document("a"));
    const end = await step(() => vertices.document("b"));
    await step(() =>{ _from: start._id, _to: end._id }));

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • collections: (string | ArangoCollection)[]

      Collections that can be read from and written to during the transaction.

    • callback: ((step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)

      Callback function executing the transaction steps.

        • (step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)): Promise<T>
        • Parameters

          • step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)
              • <T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)): Promise<T>
              • Executes the given function locally as a single step of the transaction.


                const db = new Database();
                const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
                const edges = db.collection("edges");
                const trx = await db.beginTransaction({ write: [vertices, edges] });

                // The following code will be part of the transaction
                const left = await trx.step(() =>{ label: "left" }));
                const right = await trx.step(() =>{ label: "right" }));

                // Results from preceding actions can be used normally
                await trx.step(() =>{
                _from: left._id,
                _to: right._id,
                data: "potato"

                // Transaction must be committed for changes to take effected
                // Always call either trx.commit or trx.abort to end a transaction
                await trx.commit();


                // BAD! If the callback is an async function it must only use await once!
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await; // WRONG

                // BAD! Callback function must use only one arangojs call!
                await trx.step(() => {
                .then(() =>; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Wrap every arangojs method call that should be part of the
                // transaction in a separate `trx.step` call
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;


                // BAD! If the callback is an async function it must not await before
                // calling an arangojs method!
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await doSomethingElse();
                return; // WRONG

                // BAD! Any arangojs inside the callback must not happen inside a promise
                // method!
                await trx.step(() => {
                return doSomethingElse()
                .then(() =>; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Perform any async logic needed outside the `trx.step` call
                await doSomethingElse();
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: You can perform async logic in the callback after the arangojs
                // method call as long as it does not involve additional arangojs method
                // calls, but this makes it easy to make mistakes later
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await doSomethingDifferent(); // no arangojs method calls allowed


                // BAD! The callback should not use any functions that themselves use any
                // arangojs methods!
                async function saveSomeData() {
                await trx.step(() => saveSomeData()); // WRONG

                // BETTER: Pass the transaction to functions that need to call arangojs
                // methods inside a transaction
                async function saveSomeData(trx) {
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await saveSomeData(); // no `trx.step` call needed


                // BAD! You must wait for the promise to resolve (or await on the
                // `trx.step` call) before calling `trx.step` again!
                trx.step(() =>; // WRONG
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // BAD! The trx.step callback can not make multiple calls to async arangojs
                // methods, not even using Promise.all!
                await trx.step(() => Promise.all([ // WRONG

                // BAD! Multiple `trx.step` calls can not run in parallel!
                await Promise.all([ // WRONG
                trx.step(() =>,
                trx.step(() =>,

                // BETTER: Always call `trx.step` sequentially, one after the other
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: The then callback can be used if async/await is not available
                trx.step(() =>
                .then(() => trx.step(() =>;


                // BAD! The callback will return an empty promise that resolves before
                // the inner arangojs method call has even talked to ArangoDB!
                await trx.step(async () => {
      ; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Use an arrow function so you don't forget to return
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: Remember to always return when using a function body
                await trx.step(() => {
                return; // easy to forget!

                // OKAY: You do not have to use arrow functions but it helps
                await trx.step(function () {


                // BAD! You can not pass promises instead of a callback!
                await trx.step(; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Wrap the code in a function and pass the function instead
                await trx.step(() =>;


                // WORSE: Calls to non-async arangojs methods don't need to be performed
                // as part of a transaction
                const collection = await trx.step(() => db.collection("my-documents"));

                // BETTER: If an arangojs method is not async and doesn't return promises,
                // call it without `trx.step`
                const collection = db.collection("my-documents");

                Type Parameters

                • T

                  Type of the callback's returned promise.


                • callback: (() => Promise<T>)

                  Callback function returning a promise.

                  Warning: The callback function should wrap a single call of an async arangojs method (e.g. a method on a Collection object of a collection that is involved in the transaction or the db.query method). If the callback function is async, only the first promise-returning (or async) method call will be executed as part of the transaction. See the examples below for how to avoid common mistakes when using this method.

                  Note: Avoid defining the callback as an async function if possible as arangojs will throw an error if the callback did not return a promise. Async functions will return an empty promise by default, making it harder to notice if you forgot to return something from the callback.

                  Note: Although almost anything can be wrapped in a callback and passed to this method, that does not guarantee ArangoDB can actually do it in a transaction. Refer to the ArangoDB documentation if you are unsure whether a given operation can be executed as part of a transaction. Generally any modification or retrieval of data is eligible but modifications of collections or databases are not.

                    • (): Promise<T>
                    • Returns Promise<T>

                Returns Promise<T>

          Returns Promise<T>

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions

      Options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<T>

  • Begins and commits a transaction using the given callback. Individual requests that are part of the transaction need to be wrapped in the step function passed into the callback. If the promise returned by the callback is rejected, the transaction will be aborted.

    The Collection can be specified as a collection name (string) or an object implementing the ArangoCollection interface: Collection, GraphVertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as well as (in TypeScript) DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection.


    const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
    const start = vertices.document("a");
    const end = vertices.document("b");
    const edges = db.collection("edges");
    await db.withTransaction(
    edges, // collection instances can be passed directly
    async (step) => {
    await step(() =>{ _from: start._id, _to: end._id }));

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • collection: string | ArangoCollection

      A collection that can be read from and written to during the transaction.

    • callback: ((step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)

      Callback function executing the transaction steps.

        • (step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)): Promise<T>
        • Parameters

          • step: (<T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)) => Promise<T>)
              • <T>(callback: (() => Promise<T>)): Promise<T>
              • Executes the given function locally as a single step of the transaction.


                const db = new Database();
                const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
                const edges = db.collection("edges");
                const trx = await db.beginTransaction({ write: [vertices, edges] });

                // The following code will be part of the transaction
                const left = await trx.step(() =>{ label: "left" }));
                const right = await trx.step(() =>{ label: "right" }));

                // Results from preceding actions can be used normally
                await trx.step(() =>{
                _from: left._id,
                _to: right._id,
                data: "potato"

                // Transaction must be committed for changes to take effected
                // Always call either trx.commit or trx.abort to end a transaction
                await trx.commit();


                // BAD! If the callback is an async function it must only use await once!
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await; // WRONG

                // BAD! Callback function must use only one arangojs call!
                await trx.step(() => {
                .then(() =>; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Wrap every arangojs method call that should be part of the
                // transaction in a separate `trx.step` call
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;


                // BAD! If the callback is an async function it must not await before
                // calling an arangojs method!
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await doSomethingElse();
                return; // WRONG

                // BAD! Any arangojs inside the callback must not happen inside a promise
                // method!
                await trx.step(() => {
                return doSomethingElse()
                .then(() =>; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Perform any async logic needed outside the `trx.step` call
                await doSomethingElse();
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: You can perform async logic in the callback after the arangojs
                // method call as long as it does not involve additional arangojs method
                // calls, but this makes it easy to make mistakes later
                await trx.step(async () => {
                await doSomethingDifferent(); // no arangojs method calls allowed


                // BAD! The callback should not use any functions that themselves use any
                // arangojs methods!
                async function saveSomeData() {
                await trx.step(() => saveSomeData()); // WRONG

                // BETTER: Pass the transaction to functions that need to call arangojs
                // methods inside a transaction
                async function saveSomeData(trx) {
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await saveSomeData(); // no `trx.step` call needed


                // BAD! You must wait for the promise to resolve (or await on the
                // `trx.step` call) before calling `trx.step` again!
                trx.step(() =>; // WRONG
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // BAD! The trx.step callback can not make multiple calls to async arangojs
                // methods, not even using Promise.all!
                await trx.step(() => Promise.all([ // WRONG

                // BAD! Multiple `trx.step` calls can not run in parallel!
                await Promise.all([ // WRONG
                trx.step(() =>,
                trx.step(() =>,

                // BETTER: Always call `trx.step` sequentially, one after the other
                await trx.step(() =>;
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: The then callback can be used if async/await is not available
                trx.step(() =>
                .then(() => trx.step(() =>;


                // BAD! The callback will return an empty promise that resolves before
                // the inner arangojs method call has even talked to ArangoDB!
                await trx.step(async () => {
      ; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Use an arrow function so you don't forget to return
                await trx.step(() =>;

                // OKAY: Remember to always return when using a function body
                await trx.step(() => {
                return; // easy to forget!

                // OKAY: You do not have to use arrow functions but it helps
                await trx.step(function () {


                // BAD! You can not pass promises instead of a callback!
                await trx.step(; // WRONG

                // BETTER: Wrap the code in a function and pass the function instead
                await trx.step(() =>;


                // WORSE: Calls to non-async arangojs methods don't need to be performed
                // as part of a transaction
                const collection = await trx.step(() => db.collection("my-documents"));

                // BETTER: If an arangojs method is not async and doesn't return promises,
                // call it without `trx.step`
                const collection = db.collection("my-documents");

                Type Parameters

                • T

                  Type of the callback's returned promise.


                • callback: (() => Promise<T>)

                  Callback function returning a promise.

                  Warning: The callback function should wrap a single call of an async arangojs method (e.g. a method on a Collection object of a collection that is involved in the transaction or the db.query method). If the callback function is async, only the first promise-returning (or async) method call will be executed as part of the transaction. See the examples below for how to avoid common mistakes when using this method.

                  Note: Avoid defining the callback as an async function if possible as arangojs will throw an error if the callback did not return a promise. Async functions will return an empty promise by default, making it harder to notice if you forgot to return something from the callback.

                  Note: Although almost anything can be wrapped in a callback and passed to this method, that does not guarantee ArangoDB can actually do it in a transaction. Refer to the ArangoDB documentation if you are unsure whether a given operation can be executed as part of a transaction. Generally any modification or retrieval of data is eligible but modifications of collections or databases are not.

                    • (): Promise<T>
                    • Returns Promise<T>

                Returns Promise<T>

          Returns Promise<T>

    • Optional options: TransactionOptions

      Options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<T>

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