Type alias ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions

ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions: {
    analyzers?: string[];
    fields?: Record<string, ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions>;
    inBackground?: boolean;
    includeAllFields?: boolean;
    nested?: Record<string, ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions>;
    storeValues?: "none" | "id";
    trackListPositions?: boolean;

A link definition for an ArangoSearch View.

Type declaration

  • Optional analyzers?: string[]

    A list of names of Analyzers to apply to values of processed document attributes.

    Default: ["identity"]

  • Optional fields?: Record<string, ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions>

    An object mapping names of attributes to process for each document to ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions definitions.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, then no exclusive lock is used on the source collection during View index creation, so that it remains basically available.

    Default: false

  • Optional includeAllFields?: boolean

    If set to true, all document attributes will be processed, otherwise only the attributes in fields will be processed.

    Default: false

  • Optional nested?: Record<string, ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions>

    (Enterprise Edition only.) An object mapping attribute names to ArangoSearchViewLinkOptions definitions to index sub-objects stored in an array.

  • Optional storeValues?: "none" | "id"

    Controls how the view should keep track of the attribute values.

    Default: "none"

  • Optional trackListPositions?: boolean

    If set to true, the position of values in array values will be tracked, otherwise all values in an array will be treated as equal alternatives.

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