Type alias EnsureInvertedIndexOptions

EnsureInvertedIndexOptions: { analyzer?: string; cleanupIntervalStep?: number; commitIntervalMsec?: number; consolidationIntervalMsec?: number; consolidationPolicy?: TierConsolidationPolicy; features?: AnalyzerFeature[]; fields: (string | InvertedIndexFieldOptions)[]; inBackground?: boolean; includeAllFields?: boolean; name?: string; parallelism?: number; primarySort?: { compression?: Compression; fields: InvertedIndexPrimarySortFieldOptions[] }; searchField?: boolean; storedValues?: InvertedIndexStoredValueOptions[]; trackListPositions?: boolean; type: "inverted"; writeBufferActive?: number; writeBufferIdle?: number; writeBufferSizeMax?: number }

Options for creating an inverted index.

Type declaration

  • Optional analyzer?: string

    Name of the default Analyzer to apply to the values of indexed fields.

    Default: "identity"

  • Optional cleanupIntervalStep?: number

    Wait at least this many commits between removing unused files in the ArangoSearch data directory.

    Default: 2

  • Optional commitIntervalMsec?: number

    Wait at least this many milliseconds between committing View data store changes and making documents visible to queries.

    Default: 1000

  • Optional consolidationIntervalMsec?: number

    Wait at least this many milliseconds between applying consolidationPolicy to consolidate View data store and possibly release space on the filesystem.

    Default: 1000

  • Optional consolidationPolicy?: TierConsolidationPolicy

    The consolidation policy to apply for selecting which segments should be merged.

    Default: { type: "tier" }

  • Optional features?: AnalyzerFeature[]

    List of Analyzer features to enable for the default Analyzer.

    Defaults to the Analyzer's features.

  • fields: (string | InvertedIndexFieldOptions)[]

    An array of attribute paths or objects specifying options for the fields.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will be created in the background to reduce the write-lock duration for the collection during index creation.

    Default: false

  • Optional includeAllFields?: boolean

    If set to true, all document attributes are indexed, excluding any sub-attributes configured in the fields array. The analyzer and features properties apply to the sub-attributes. This option only applies when using the index in a SearchAlias View.

    Default: false

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • Optional parallelism?: number

    The number of threads to use for indexing the fields.

    Default: 2

  • Optional primarySort?: { compression?: Compression; fields: InvertedIndexPrimarySortFieldOptions[] }

    Primary sort order to optimize AQL queries using a matching sort order.

  • Optional searchField?: boolean

    If set to true array values will by default be indexed using the same behavior as ArangoSearch Views. This option only applies when using the index in a SearchAlias View.

    Default: false

  • Optional storedValues?: InvertedIndexStoredValueOptions[]

    An array of attribute paths that will be stored in the index but can not be used for index lookups or sorting but can avoid full document lookups.

  • Optional trackListPositions?: boolean

    If set to true, the position of values in array values are tracked and need to be specified in queries. Otherwise all values in an array are treated as equivalent. This option only applies when using the index in a SearchAlias View.

    Default: false

  • type: "inverted"

    Type of this index.

  • Optional writeBufferActive?: number

    Maximum number of concurrent active writers (segments) that perform a transaction.

    Default: 0 (disabled)

  • Optional writeBufferIdle?: number

    Maximum number of writers (segments) cached in the pool.

    Default: 64

  • Optional writeBufferSizeMax?: number

    Maximum memory byte size per writer (segment) before a writer (segment) flush is triggered.

    Default: 33554432 (32 MiB)

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