Type alias ServiceConfiguration

ServiceConfiguration: { current: any; currentRaw: any; default?: any; description?: string; required: boolean; title: string; type: "integer" | "boolean" | "string" | "number" | "json" | "password" | "int" | "bool" }

Object describing a configuration option of a Foxx service.

Type declaration

  • current: any

    Processed current value of the configuration option as exposed in the service code.

  • currentRaw: any

    Current value of the configuration option as stored internally.

  • Optional default?: any

    Default value of the configuration option.

  • Optional description?: string

    Human-readable description of the configuration option.

  • required: boolean

    Whether the configuration option must be set in order for the service to be operational.

  • title: string

    Formatted name of the configuration option.

  • type: "integer" | "boolean" | "string" | "number" | "json" | "password" | "int" | "bool"

    Data type of the configuration value.

    Note: "int" and "bool" are historical synonyms for "integer" and "boolean". The "password" type is synonymous with "string" but can be used to distinguish values which should not be displayed in plain text by software when managing the service.

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