Computed values applied to documents in this collection.
distribute(Enterprise Edition cluster only.) If set to a collection name, sharding of the new collection will follow the rules for that collection. As long as the new collection exists, the indicated collection can not be dropped.
An object defining the collection's key generation.
number(Cluster only.) Number of shards of this collection.
replication(Cluster only.) Replication factor of the collection.
Properties for validating documents in the collection.
shard(Cluster only.) Keys of this collection that will be used for sharding.
sharding(Cluster only.) Sharding strategy of the collection.
smart(Enterprise Edition cluster only.) Attribute containing the shard key value of the referred-to smart join collection.
A human-readable representation of the collection loading status.
Whether data should be synchronized to disk before returning from a document create, update, replace or removal operation.
(Cluster only.) Write concern for this collection.
Generated using TypeDoc
An object defining the properties of a collection.