Additional statics about the query execution of the cursor.


  • CursorStats


cacheHits: number

Total number of index entries read from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent.

cacheMisses: number

Total number of cache read attempts for index entries that could not be served from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent.

cursorsCreated: number

Total number of cursor objects created during query execution.

cursorsRearmed: number

Total number of times an existing cursor object was repurposed.

executionTime: number

Execution time of the query in seconds.

filtered: number

Total number of documents that were removed after executing a filter condition in a FilterNode.

fullCount?: number

Total number of documents that matched the search condition if the query’s final top-level LIMIT statement were not present.

nodes?: { calls: number; filter: number; id: number; items: number; runtime: number }[]

Runtime statistics per query execution node.

peakMemoryUsage: number

Maximum memory usage of the query while it was running.

scannedFull: number

Total number of documents iterated over when scanning a collection without an index.

scannedIndex: number

Total number of documents iterated over when scanning a collection using an index.

writesExecuted: number

Total number of data-modification operations successfully executed.

writesIgnored: number

Total number of data-modification operations that were unsuccessful, but have been ignored because of query option ignoreErrors.

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