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Module indexes

import type {
} from "arangojs/indexes";

The "indexes" module provides index-related types for TypeScript.


Type aliases


EnsureFulltextIndexOptions: { fields: [string]; inBackground?: boolean; minLength?: number; name?: string; type: "fulltext" }

Options for creating a fulltext index.

Type declaration

  • fields: [string]

    An array containing exactly one attribute path.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will be created in the background to reduce the write-lock duration for the collection during index creation.

    Default: false

  • Optional minLength?: number

    Minimum character length of words to index.

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • type: "fulltext"

    Type of this index.


EnsureGeoIndexOptions: { fields: [string, string]; geoJson?: false; inBackground?: boolean; name?: string; type: "geo" } | { fields: [string]; geoJson?: boolean; inBackground?: boolean; name?: string; type: "geo" }

Options for creating a geo index.


EnsureHashIndexOptions: { deduplicate?: boolean; estimates?: boolean; fields: string[]; inBackground?: boolean; name?: string; sparse?: boolean; type: "hash"; unique?: boolean }

(MMFiles only.) Options for creating a hash index.

When using the RocksDB storage engine, this index type behaves identically to EnsurePersistentIndexOptions.


Hash indexes have been deprecated in ArangoDB 3.9 and should be replaced with persistent indexes.

Type declaration

  • Optional deduplicate?: boolean

    If set to false, array values will not be deduplicated.

    Default: true

  • Optional estimates?: boolean

    If set to false, index selectivity estimates will be disabled for this index.

    Default: true

  • fields: string[]

    An array of attribute paths.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will be created in the background to reduce the write-lock duration for the collection during index creation.

    Default: false

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • Optional sparse?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will omit documents that do not contain at least one of the attribute paths in fields and these documents will be ignored for uniqueness checks.

    Default: false

  • type: "hash"

    Type of this index.

  • Optional unique?: boolean

    If set to true, a unique index will be created.

    Default: false


EnsurePersistentIndexOptions: { estimates?: boolean; fields: string[]; inBackground?: boolean; name?: string; sparse?: boolean; type: "persistent"; unique?: boolean }

Options for creating a persistent index.

Type declaration

  • Optional estimates?: boolean

    If set to false, index selectivity estimates will be disabled for this index.

    Default: true

  • fields: string[]

    An array of attribute paths.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will be created in the background to reduce the write-lock duration for the collection during index creation.

    Default: false

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • Optional sparse?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will omit documents that do not contain at least one of the attribute paths in fields and these documents will be ignored for uniqueness checks.

    Default: false

  • type: "persistent"

    Type of this index.

  • Optional unique?: boolean

    If set to true, a unique index will be created.

    Default: false


EnsureSkiplistIndexOptions: { deduplicate?: boolean; estimates?: boolean; fields: string[]; inBackground?: boolean; name?: string; sparse?: boolean; type: "skiplist"; unique?: boolean }

(MMFiles only.) Options for creating a skiplist index.

When using the RocksDB storage engine, this index type behaves identically to EnsurePersistentIndexOptions.


Skiplist indexes have been deprecated in ArangoDB 3.9 and should be replaced with persistent indexes.

Type declaration

  • Optional deduplicate?: boolean

    If set to false, array values will not be deduplicated.

    Default: true

  • Optional estimates?: boolean

    If set to false, index selectivity estimates will be disabled for this index.

    Default: true

  • fields: string[]

    An array of attribute paths.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will be created in the background to reduce the write-lock duration for the collection during index creation.

    Default: false

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • Optional sparse?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will omit documents that do not contain at least one of the attribute paths in fields and these documents will be ignored for uniqueness checks.

    Default: false

  • type: "skiplist"

    Type of this index.

  • Optional unique?: boolean

    If set to true, a unique index will be created.

    Default: false


EnsureTtlIndexOptions: { expireAfter: number; fields: [string]; inBackground?: boolean; name?: string; type: "ttl" }

Options for creating a TTL index.

Type declaration

  • expireAfter: number

    Duration in seconds after the attribute value at which the document will be considered as expired.

  • fields: [string]

    An array containing exactly one attribute path.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will be created in the background to reduce the write-lock duration for the collection during index creation.

    Default: false

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • type: "ttl"

    Type of this index.


EnsureZkdIndexOptions: { fieldValueTypes: "double"; fields: string[]; inBackground?: boolean; name?: string; type: "zkd" }

Options for creating a ZKD index.

Type declaration

  • fieldValueTypes: "double"

    Data type of the dimension attributes.

  • fields: string[]

    An array containing attribute paths for the dimensions.

  • Optional inBackground?: boolean

    If set to true, the index will be created in the background to reduce the write-lock duration for the collection during index creation.

    Default: false

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • type: "zkd"

    Type of this index.


FulltextIndex: GenericIndex & { fields: [string]; minLength: number; type: "fulltext" }

An object representing a fulltext index.


GenericIndex: { id: string; name?: string; sparse: boolean; unique: boolean }

Shared attributes of all index types.

Type declaration

  • id: string

    A unique identifier for this index.

  • Optional name?: string

    A unique name for this index.

  • sparse: boolean

    Whether documents not containing at least one of the attribute paths are omitted by this index.

  • unique: boolean

    Whether this index enforces uniqueness for values of its attribute paths.


GeoIndex: GenericIndex & { bestIndexedLevel: number; fields: [string] | [string, string]; geoJson: boolean; maxNumCoverCells: number; type: "geo"; worstIndexedLevel: number }

An object representing a geo index.


HashIndex: GenericIndex & { fields: string[]; selectivityEstimate: number; type: "hash" }

An object representing a hash index.


An object representing an index.


IndexSelector: ObjectWithId | ObjectWithName | string

Index name, id or object with a name or id property.


ObjectWithId: { id: string }

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
  • id: string


ObjectWithName: { name: string }

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
  • name: string


PersistentIndex: GenericIndex & { fields: string[]; type: "persistent" }

An object representing a persistent index.


PrimaryIndex: GenericIndex & { fields: string[]; selectivityEstimate: number; type: "primary" }

An object representing a primary index.


SkiplistIndex: GenericIndex & { fields: string[]; type: "skiplist" }

An object representing a skiplist index.


TtlIndex: GenericIndex & { expireAfter: number; fields: [string]; selectivityEstimate: number; type: "ttl" }

An object representing a TTL index.


ZkdIndex: GenericIndex & { fieldValueTypes: "double"; fields: string[]; type: "zkd" }

An object representing a TTL index.

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