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Module "view"

import type { ArangoSearchView } from "arangojs/view";



Type aliases


ArangoSearchViewLink: { analyzers?: string[]; fields?: Dict<ArangoSearchViewLink | undefined>; includeAllFields?: undefined | false | true; storeValues?: "none" | "id"; trackListPositions?: undefined | false | true }


Type declaration

  • Optional analyzers?: string[]

    Default: ["identity"]

    A list of names of Analyzers to apply to values of processed document attributes.

  • Optional fields?: Dict<ArangoSearchViewLink | undefined>

    An object mapping names of attributes to process for each document to ArangoSearchViewLink definitions.

  • Optional includeAllFields?: undefined | false | true

    Default: false

    If set to true, all document attributes will be processed, otherwise only the attributes in fields will be processed.

  • Optional storeValues?: "none" | "id"

    Default: "none"

    Controls how the view should keep track of the attribute values.

  • Optional trackListPositions?: undefined | false | true

    If set to true, the position of values in array values will be tracked, otherwise all values in an array will be treated as equal alternatives.


ArangoSearchViewProperties: { cleanupIntervalStep: number; consolidationIntervalMsec: number; consolidationPolicy: { lookahead?: undefined | number; segments_bytes_floor?: undefined | number; segments_bytes_max?: undefined | number; segments_max?: undefined | number; segments_min?: undefined | number; threshold?: undefined | number; type: "bytes_accum" | "tier" }; links: Dict<ArangoSearchViewLink | undefined>; writebufferActive: number; writebufferIdle: number; writebufferSizeMax: number }


Type declaration

  • cleanupIntervalStep: number
  • consolidationIntervalMsec: number
  • consolidationPolicy: { lookahead?: undefined | number; segments_bytes_floor?: undefined | number; segments_bytes_max?: undefined | number; segments_max?: undefined | number; segments_min?: undefined | number; threshold?: undefined | number; type: "bytes_accum" | "tier" }
    • Optional lookahead?: undefined | number
    • Optional segments_bytes_floor?: undefined | number
    • Optional segments_bytes_max?: undefined | number
    • Optional segments_max?: undefined | number
    • Optional segments_min?: undefined | number
    • Optional threshold?: undefined | number
    • type: "bytes_accum" | "tier"
  • links: Dict<ArangoSearchViewLink | undefined>
  • writebufferActive: number
  • writebufferIdle: number
  • writebufferSizeMax: number


ArangoSearchViewPropertiesOptions: { cleanupIntervalStep?: undefined | number; commitIntervalMsec?: undefined | number; consolidationIntervalMsec?: undefined | number; consolidationPolicy?: BytesAccumConsolidationPolicy | TierConsolidationPolicy; links?: Dict<ArangoSearchViewLink | undefined>; primarySort?: ({ direction: "desc" | "asc"; field: string } | { asc: boolean; field: string })[]; writebufferActive?: undefined | number; writebufferIdle?: undefined | number; writebufferSizeMax?: undefined | number }


Type declaration

  • Optional cleanupIntervalStep?: undefined | number

    Default: 2

    How many commits to wait between removing unused files.

  • Optional commitIntervalMsec?: undefined | number

    Default: 1000

    How long to wait between commiting View data store changes and making documents visible to queries.

  • Optional consolidationIntervalMsec?: undefined | number

    Default: 10000

    How long to wait between applying the consolidationPolicy.

  • Optional consolidationPolicy?: BytesAccumConsolidationPolicy | TierConsolidationPolicy

    The consolidation policy to apply for selecting which segments should be merged.

  • Optional links?: Dict<ArangoSearchViewLink | undefined>

    An object mapping names of linked collections to ArangoSearchViewLink definitions.

  • Optional primarySort?: ({ direction: "desc" | "asc"; field: string } | { asc: boolean; field: string })[]

    The attribute path (field) for the value of each document that will be used for sorting.

    If direction is set to "asc" or asc is set to true, the primary sorting order will be ascending.

    If direction is set to "desc" or asc is set to false, the primary sorting order will be descending.

  • Optional writebufferActive?: undefined | number

    Default: 0

    Maximum number of concurrent active writers that perform a transaction.

  • Optional writebufferIdle?: undefined | number

    Default: 64

    Maximum number of writers cached in the pool.

  • Optional writebufferSizeMax?: undefined | number

    Default: 33554432, i.e. 32 MiB

    Maximum memory byte size per writer before a writer flush is triggered.


ArangoSearchViewPropertiesResponse: ViewResponse & ArangoSearchViewProperties & { type: ARANGOSEARCH_VIEW }



BytesAccumConsolidationPolicy: { threshold?: undefined | number; type: "bytes_accum" }

Policy to consolidate based on segment byte size and live document count as dictated by the customization attributes.

Type declaration

  • Optional threshold?: undefined | number

    Must be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.

  • type: "bytes_accum"

    The type of consolidation policy.


TierConsolidationPolicy: { minScore?: undefined | number; segmentsBytesFloor?: undefined | number; segmentsBytesMax?: undefined | number; segmentsMax?: undefined | number; segmentsMin?: undefined | number; type: "tier" }

Policy to consolidate if the sum of all candidate segment byte size is less than the total segment byte size multiplied by a given threshold.

Type declaration

  • Optional minScore?: undefined | number

    Minimum score.

  • Optional segmentsBytesFloor?: undefined | number

    Default: 2097152, i.e. 2 MiB

    Defines the value to treat all smaller segments as equal for consolidation selection.

  • Optional segmentsBytesMax?: undefined | number

    Default: 5368709120, i.e. 5 GiB

    Maximum allowed size of all consolidated segments.

  • Optional segmentsMax?: undefined | number

    Default: 10

    The maximum number of segments that will be evaluated as candidates for consolidation.

  • Optional segmentsMin?: undefined | number

    Default: 1

    The minimum number of segments that will be evaluated as candidates for consolidation.

  • type: "tier"

    The type of consolidation policy.


ViewDescription: { globallyUniqueId: string; id: string; name: string; type: ViewType }


Type declaration

  • globallyUniqueId: string
  • id: string
  • name: string
  • type: ViewType


ViewResponse: { globallyUniqueId: string; id: string; name: string; type: ViewType }


Type declaration

  • globallyUniqueId: string
  • id: string
  • name: string
  • type: ViewType



  • isArangoView(view: any): view is View
  • Indicates whether the given value represents a View.


    • view: any

      A value that might be a View.

    Returns view is View

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