Accessing Analyzers
These functions implement the HTTP API for accessing Analyzers.
Note: Analyzers were introduced in ArangoDB 3.5 and are not supported by earlier versions of ArangoDB.
database.analyzer(analyzerName): Analyzer
Returns an Analyzer instance representing the Analyzer with the given Analyzer name.
const db = new Database();
const analyzer = db.analyzer("some-analyzer");
const info = await analyzer.get();
async database.listAnalyzers(): Array<Object>
Fetches all Analyzers visible in the database and returns an array of Analyzer descriptions.
const db = new Database();
const analyzers = await db.listAnalyzers();
// analyzers is an array of Analyzer descriptions
async database.analyzers(): Array<Analyzer>
Fetches all Analyzers visible in the database and returns an array of Analyzer instances for those Analyzers.
const db = new Database();
const analyzers = await db.analyzers();
// analyzers is an array of Analyzer instances