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Manipulating documents

These functions implement the HTTP API for manipulating documents.


async collection.replace(documentHandle, newValue, [opts]): Object

Replaces the content of the document with the given documentHandle with the given newValue and returns an object containing the document’s metadata.


If a string is passed instead of an options object, it will be interpreted as the rev option.

For more information on the opts object, see the HTTP API documentation for working with documents.


const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
const data = { number: 1, hello: "world" };
const info1 = await;
const info2 = await collection.replace(info1, { number: 2 });
assert.equal(info2._id, info1._id);
assert.notEqual(info2._rev, info1._rev);
const doc = await collection.document(info1);
assert.equal(doc._id, info1._id);
assert.equal(doc._rev, info2._rev);
assert.equal(doc.number, 2);
assert.equal(doc.hello, undefined);


async collection.update(documentHandle, newValue, [opts]): Object

Updates (merges) the content of the document with the given documentHandle with the given newValue and returns an object containing the document’s metadata.


If a string is passed instead of an options object, it will be interpreted as the rev option.

For more information on the opts object, see the HTTP API documentation for working with documents.


const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
const doc = { number: 1, hello: "world" };
const doc1 = await;
const doc2 = await collection.update(doc1, { number: 2 });
assert.equal(doc2._id, doc1._id);
assert.notEqual(doc2._rev, doc1._rev);
const doc3 = await collection.document(doc2);
assert.equal(doc3._id, doc2._id);
assert.equal(doc3._rev, doc2._rev);
assert.equal(doc3.number, 2);
assert.equal(doc3.hello, doc.hello);


async collection.bulkUpdate(documents, [opts]): Object

Updates (merges) the content of the documents with the given documents and returns an array containing the documents’ metadata.

Note: This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.0 or later, see Compatibility.


For more information on the opts object, see the HTTP API documentation for working with documents.


const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("some-collection");
const doc1 = { number: 1, hello: "world1" };
const info1 = await;
const doc2 = { number: 2, hello: "world2" };
const info2 = await;
const result = await collection.bulkUpdate(
    { _key: info1._key, number: 3 },
    { _key: info2._key, number: 4 },
  { returnNew: true }


async collection.remove(documentHandle, [opts]): Object

Deletes the document with the given documentHandle from the collection.


If a string is passed instead of an options object, it will be interpreted as the rev option.

For more information on the opts object, see the HTTP API documentation for working with documents.


const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("some-collection");

await collection.remove("some-doc");
// document 'some-collection/some-doc' no longer exists

// -- or --

await collection.remove("some-collection/some-doc");
// document 'some-collection/some-doc' no longer exists


async collection.list([type]): Array<string>

Retrieves a list of references for all documents in the collection.
